For People Who Have 125 Gl. Reef Tanks


Active Member
my dad was asking me to find places with cheap items to get if we get the a 125.. i was JW wut u have in ur 125 (like filters, PH, skimmers that type of stuff) and where you found it cheapest ( email me - and what fish you have in it..... it is gonna have drilled holes so ill have a sump and prob;ey refugium


Active Member
your best bet is online like here for one for reasonable pricing through classified adds ,others like auctions.I persoannly do most of my purchases at my local fish store sometimes not the cheepest way to do but I do get better quality equipment and much better garentees on them.alot of your LFS will sell used equipment such as tank stands filter skimmers ect.things that others have traded in for store credit or consignment for clients.for this I may pay a bit more but I know just what im getting upfront .at this time I have a few tanks set up only one being a reef 120 gal with sump/fuge.refuge doubles as a 40 gal tank for veiwing purposes I had this custom built.what ever you do dont add up the cost of a reef tank your dad will cry from it lol.I know I did lol


the two major things you have to consider are a skimmer and your lighting, I personally have an mtc airstone skimmer and a moded seaclone as a secondary skimmer. and at the moment i have a 48 mh fixture lighting part of the tank. it is nice to have all of the stuff at once, but you can make it work patching it together here and there. i have a bare bottom tank and have no fish at the moment. so my bio load is minimal so my 2 skimmers are doing fine. but in the future i know if i want to have a lot of fish in the tank i would have to upgrade. the 125 is a great start. have fun trying to fill it with corals. I am.


Active Member
the 125 isnt a start for me i already have a 55 but w/e..... i think wut ill probley do is have it fish only for 3-4 months , they buy the lighting, skimmer(s) and all the extra stuff for corals....but ill probley still only stick with softies ( so i dont have an to spend hundreds on MH lighting).....


Okay I know you may have heard this before but will try one more time. Disign your entire system on paper and your imagination. I mean everything from equipment to aquascaping. Research your fish choices and make sure they ate all compatible with eachother and whatever inverts you may want to add. Once you have the system designed then stick with the plan. If you want a fish only tank do that, if you want a reef tank then do it, but remember it takes time, money, and a PLAN. It is cheaper in the long run not to replace or switch items. Get enough lighting to put a minumim of 4 - 5 watts per gallon in the tank - 480 to 600 watts will make for a great start. Price your lighting systems and then look into retro fit kits (I believe they are the way to go). 4 VHO tubes would do nicely and be cheaper then MH, but if you want corals with high light demands all the way down to you sand then MH will be needed. SKimmer - SKIMMER - SKIMMER - NEED i BE ANY CLEARER - you want the best skimmer you can find - or say find one that works up to a 100 gallon tank and then get 2 of them. Some is good, more is better, too much is just right! (it's a life motto to stick with). In your sump think about a magnum or other cannister style filter to run carbon in. Think of your return pump and it's gal per hour rating, then figure how many in tank power heads will it take to get me up over 10x my tank volume of hourly water movement. So now that I have confused you probably, read, research, plan - and then stick with your plan. The live rock and your lighting will probably be your 2 most exspensive purchases, so really do your homework. I got lots of advice when starting but most systems are a little quirky. Remember RO water, your tap water isn't even consistant if you check it over a years time. RO should be the same every time.


Active Member
Well I got a REALLY good deal on her for my 125 in the classified. In fact it was almost exactly a year ago. So personally I think that would be a good start part. You can also use your 55 as your sump that is what I did.


HMMMM my 125 gal setup, I have very few items for my set up. The tank is 2 years old and runnin great. There is a seaclone 125 protein skimmer, a large 5 gallon hang on tank CPR refugium, and 2 sets of 36'' lights on top. The lights are the coallife duel actinics with MH's. There is also 3 powerheads. Here is a pic. Very ow maintance, clean out skimmer cup daily, and water changes bi weekly. Ohhh and about 3 months ago, I started to drip Kalk. Good luck



OK, I must be lost. For a reef tank do u need mh's or pc's I got a new 6' pc with moon lights made by orbit. Is this a good light system. I have had problems of the LFS telling me i got what i need then it is underrated or not the right thing. I want to be able to have soft and hard coral and inverts. I am running a 125 for the last 4 years and just got a new 150. Both are running on sumps. They both have a protein skimmer that came in the sump setup. My 125 is the only one with a u.v. But the uv is a 18w light. Is that strong enough cuz the LFS told me it was but have been reading that it is to low. The pc's r 2 96w. days, and 2 96w acintic. I seem to be so lost and getting several stories. I just wanna know what works. Does anyone know if jebo pcs are any good? thanks


you can run PC's and i know of several people that run PC's with stoney's. People perfer MH's if you want to see faster growth from corals. I have never used a UV sterlizer. I run a very basic setup. I have never hand problems.


Active Member
kjord97, how did u get those lights to stand up in the middle on the tank... it looks like u have them on a piece of glass or sumthin?


New Member
Hi fedukeford, I have a 125g
Equip. 4- 10,000k 96w 2 daylight - 2 actinics retro fits also diy 5 moon lights
pump- little giant 4-dmqx 1325gpm
wet /dry sealife 150
skimmer proclear 150
had it for 4 years now, running fine. This is a expensive hobby but well worth it all. here some pics.



the tank has 3 center pieces that are made of 1/2 inch thick glass. So yes the lights sit on the glass in the middle of tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjord97
the tank has 3 center pieces that are made of 1/2 inch thick glass. So yes the lights sit on the glass in the middle of tank.
were they already there, or did u put the glass on yourself??


Active Member
Originally Posted by MFD
Hi fedukeford, I have a 125g
Equip. 4- 10,000k 96w 2 daylight - 2 actinics retro fits also diy 5 moon lights
pump- little giant 4-dmqx 1325gpm
wet /dry sealife 150
skimmer proclear 150
had it for 4 years now, running fine. This is a expensive hobby but well worth it all. here some pics.
thanks for the pics, ya i DEFFINATLEY kno its an expenisive hobby, im always spending $ on my 55, i havent bought anything besides stuff for my fish tank for like 5 months!


Active Member
MFD ---> I need to ask you something. I just finished my plumbing and I'm also using the Little Giant 4MDQX-SC pump for my CL system.
Does your pump sit inside the room ?
I have mine outside the house and the plumbing comes through my living room wall into the house, but there's a lot of noise coming and I can't figure out where it's coming from.
Does your pump make noise?
I did all that plumbing hoping there would be no noise and for some reason there is and I have no clue where its from, except when I leave the pump and but turn off the valves so that no water is flowing, the noise stops.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
were they already there, or did u put the glass on yourself??

they came with the tank, you know how some tanks have the plastic black or brown strip for support in middle of tank, mine has 3 glass pieces as my center support.