? For Purch. a Used Tank


So the 250 gallon tank went south (prev. post). The guy ended up being full of shi* that was trying to sell it. So anyways I found a 110 gallon for $1700. Please see details below and let me know if $1700.00 is a good deal and can you think of anything I should ask him. THANKS!
So far I found out:
110 gallon tenecor tank
Over 200 pounds of live rock.
2 halides
2 VHOs (1 superactinic and 1 50/50) Includes all ballasts
10 gallon refugium w/ overflow box.
1 nano hydor in refugium,
2 lvl 2 korlian hydors in tank w/ 4 pumps.
Timers for all lights to mimic sunset.
Battery backup for hydors.
Unused protien skimmer
Stock includes: 1 orange clown, a pair of black clowns,
2 orange spotted gobies, 1 flounder, 1 snowflake moray eel, 10 green chromis,
1 male and 1 female anthia, 1 purple pseudo, 1 yellow pseudo,
1 cleaner shimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 tuxedo urchin, various snails & crabs.
Inverts: 2 xenia, 1 toadstool mushroom, 1 magnificient anenome,
1 Rose bubble tip anenome, 1 orange finger coral, 2 small SPS,
1 birdsnest, 1 very healthy sun coral.


Active Member
I got my 220g for $560 and it came with the stand, canopy, 2x36" Power Compacts, all of the plumbing, a UV sterilizer, 100 gallon sump, all the gravel (I changed for live sand), 2 huge faux coralscapes, a 12" Volitan and a 7-8" Clown Trigger.
I am not saying what you have found is not a great deal, I am just posting mine so you can have something to reference too. The stand on that tank looks great though. It definitely makes the tank look expensive haha.


Active Member
I dunno, if you compare it vs buying new it would be a good deal. But it really depends on the quality of the stuff like filtration skimmer, lights ect.
I see he has an unused skimmer, and a tiny fuge, but what is he doing about the rest of the filtration? I don't see a canister, wetdry or sump? He not selling or what?


Active Member
I agree, I wish the tank I bought had live rock in it, it had about 200 lbs worth of faux coralscape (which is more expensive than live rock actually I was suprised) but its hard to find someone to buy it so I can get some rock. Although, live rock prices vary greatly depending on your location, as here in FL my LFS sells it for 4.99 a pound.


We get 6.99 on sale. average is 8.99 - 9.99 for Fiji and Tonga. There is a store that sells the fake live live rock. Yes you read that right fake live live rock. They take old concrete and put it in a mold. Then string it up for an alleged 2 years then pull it up and sell it for 3.99 a pound. Who would buy this you say? Me. I bought a 4 lbs piece to check it out. It is useless. Nice shape though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ANinaFish
We get 6.99 on sale. average is 8.99 - 9.99 for Fiji and Tonga. There is a store that sells the fake live live rock. Yes you read that right fake live live rock. They take old concrete and put it in a mold. Then string it up for an alleged 2 years then pull it up and sell it for 3.99 a pound. Who would buy this you say? Me. I bought a 4 lbs piece to check it out. It is useless. Nice shape though!
You really only need to cure that stuff for a couple of months. And if done right you won't tell the difference in a few months.
I still think that is pretty steep for a used setup.


Active Member
One of my friends just sold a 300 gallon acrylic setup with stand, canopy and lights for about 1200 bucks.


The question isn't is that a good deal. The question is, is that what you want??
All the corals and livestock you can prolly get credit for at a lfs, because keping them while your recycling the tank is gonna be very difficult.
What is the wattage of the halides?
But all in all IMO
For the tank, stand, lights and rock (although everybody over estimates the poundage), then it appears like a pretty good deal to me
But if you wanna drive to florida, I'll sell you a 125g drilled tank stand, sump skimmer, 18w UV and halide READY canopy for half that.


Active Member
If they're asking 1700$ then you can probably barter it down. I would expect that 1700 is the asking price and not neccessarily what they think its worth. IMO it seems a bit high, I probably would offer around 1200 for it.


I'm pretty sure it's so high b/c of the live rock and the stand and canopy are custom made, which I think are gorgeous. Most stands and canopies I see for sale aren't that pretty. Thanks for all the opinions! We are driving down there to look at the tank this weekend and get more info.
Would the tank really need to recycled? Sorry if that sounds stupid, but I'm not looking to kill anything and want to set this up right.
And would you recommend buying battery powered air pumps for a 2.5-3 hour drive?
Just and FYI and add on to the prev. replies about live rock prices. Pretty much all around Oklahoma City and Edmond, it's $4.99/pound


Originally Posted by scsdlh34
Would the tank really need to recycled? Sorry if that sounds stupid, but I'm not looking to kill anything and want to set this up right.

If you take rubbermade bins to bring the rock back in, then the rock will be OK.
But the sand. The sand itself will most likely be fine, but the trapped trates and ammonia that are under that sand bed.
You can rinse your sand w/ salt water, but just to be safe I would really plan on recycling.
I highly doubt it would take 6 weeks, but I still think it would be to long to keep fish alive elsewhere...
I recently moved my tank from Ft Lauderdale to Tampa and I re set it up when I got here, but the ammonia still spiked.

As far as the pumps... you can use the oxygen tablets that they put in bait buckets. They only last about an hour though, but they're only like 99 cents.
I thought the surface agitation of the driving was enough for my trip... I was wrong, half the fish died.


Active Member
I've moved tanks several times, you will have some die off. I would have your old tank still set up so you can put the livestock in their till the tank recycles, the tanks I've done have recycled, in a week or two. But you need to keep your liverock and sand submerged to accomplish this. As for the fish. It really depends on size, but I've moved a 7 inch puffer 2 hours in a bucket with no problems. He had about 3 gallons of water. But what I did do is stop and turn over the water with a cup every hour. You know the dixie cup fill it up and pour it into the bucket again at about 3 feet from the water several times. And the moment I got to the new location I put air pumps on the buckets while the aclimated over to the different tank.
A good stand will increase the price of a tank significantly. And acrylic runs a premium. I'd still would think you should be able to get the setup for around a grand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by prime311
You can buy 200# of LR from SWF for 800$ with an 80$ store credit and free shipping.
Well if you walk into a store and buy liv erock at 5 dollars a pound. 5x200=1000 dollars. Plus tax at 8.25% here in texas makes it 1082.50 cents