For Risc


where abouts do you live? I golf from time to time... not usually in Woodbury however. I usually golf at Voyager Village or Troy Burne. Im not real big on the city courses. Also, what store are you referring to?
he is 4 foot 3 inches and has been sold as of two days ago to 3M executive. I may get another one if I don't replace him with something else instead.


WoW Risc! :D
That is too cool, it makes me want to takt vac. to MN just to see this set up. LOL :)
If you do not mind me asking how much do you have invested? I think it is wonderful that you take the time and everything to care for all of this. Like the post that if the shark gets too big you know who to call. I am impressed.
Shel :p


Lots of time in planing, designing, and building first off. About $30,000 in tanks and equipment and $18,000 in fish. All the fish are insured as personal property life in case of death by any causes. Insurance costs range on a monthly basis depending on how many I have stocked. But it is usually about $1000 a year.


WOW! I have a new hero.
now.........all i need is funding (hehehe)
think my apt people would mind if i pot a 1000 gal shark tank in my living room? :p


OK risk sounds like an Excellent set up but i need proof i want pics. sounds like you run an aquarium to me. :D


I am pretty sure I know where that is. Is that a new development? I used to live off Sherwood Road behind the Par-3 golf course.
If you would have read the posts, I already said I don't have a digital camera, and all my pictures are old pictures from my old bosses digital camera. As soon as I have time to get a hold of one I will post some.


oh ok Sorry i must of missed that :eek: . i will be looking forward to seeing them as soon as you get them out to the board. ?? Do you charge imation to roam your yard with a set up like that i would. lol :D


Rusty Carpet Sharks, Necklace Carpet sharks, Bluegray Carpet sharks, Coral Catsharks, Japenese Wobbegongs, and Wards Wobbegongs can all live in a 125 gallon for their entire lives right? Or will they eventually need a bigger tank? Can a bamboo shark live in a 125 gallon for its entire live?
[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: JIM27 ]


In the case of the carpet sharks I would use a 200 gallon for their whole life expectancy. But you can keep them in a 125 for about 7 years unless you overfeed them.
The catshark is fine in a 125, and you are correct about the Wobbegongs they can live in a 100-150 gallon their whole lives perfectly.


New Member
i was reading about your sharks and telling my wife what all you had and she wants to come see.


(This is not a flame)risc, do you know how big wobbygongs get? Way bigger than a 150 gallon. I read from a numerous sites and books they get 8-12 feet long. Just sayin what I have heard.


Horn sharks will do fine in a 150 gallon tank for a good 3 years. After that you will need something like a 250 to 300. Horn sharks are very hardy fish but when they get big and produce a lot more waste, a 150 gallon tank would be too small of an amount of water for a fish that produces as much waste horn sharks do.
sweels: It has been my observation that you have not read much of my posts. There are many types of wobbegongs and none of them reach 12 feet in length. 10 feet and some odd inches is the maximum size ever recorded and in captivity they will most likely never reach 10 feet. However possible on rare occasions. The wobbegongs that I have been talking to JIM27 about will never reach a length of over 34 inches and most will be around 29. I know, I have full grown adults. I also have a spotted wobbegong, one of the types you may be referring to that is 9 feet and about 1 1/2 inches. It is 7 years old and full grown. So to answer your question, Yes, I know how big wobbegongs get.


New Member
if you don't mind, I have s few questions for you. I currently own 1 epaullette (male)about 2' and I hatched a banded cat now just under 1'. I am interested in the wobbegongs you were mentioning. would the get along? how can I get one? and what to feed them. also any other possible additions.I am currently running a 220gal. enough room for all? also i have a spotted stingray in there. would they all fit in a 180gal for their full lifespan? or do i need the 220?
if you could answer these questions I would appreciate it. Other than that, do you know where i can find a female epaullette and do you think the would mate?


Well, I don't know what kind of Epaulette you have which makes a HUGE difference on whether or not you can find a potential mate for him. There 12 members of the Epaulette family, and most of them are available in the trade. Also all Epaulettes really should be in a 280 to 300 gallon. It will get to be 40 inches in length. So in less you have a short tank that is long and wide, packing 3 or 4 sharks in there could prove problematic. Especially because adult catsharks produce massive amounts of waste. The epaulette and catshark would get along wonderfully with the wobbegongs and when they wobbegongs become adults they will be extremely happy with you because they will probably eat both your sharks. The good news on that is that you can keep both wobbegongs in a 180 gallon tank. A wobbegong is going to be extremely harassed by a stingray, especially if it swims over it frequently. He will snap at it repeatedly. And if a wobbegong gets a hold of a fish consider it dead. They have vice like jaws and won't let go until they are satisfied that the fish is subdued and will no longer try to fight. Then they will just consume the fish whole without biting it apart.
If you can find the correct Epaulette species to match yours that is also a female, yes they would mate. Your is probably at sexual maturity now. The only problems you are going to face is finding a female that is larger than your male and finding the same species. If you can give me some more information on it, I can probably help you out.


sorry risc, didn't know. Also, I have a q. I'm planning on getting a 220 gallon tank(or larger). What sharks do you think will do good in there besides bamboo or horns?


sweels: carpet sharks, and the same wobbegongs I told Jim27 about. You could also have an Epaulette... but they will outgrow a stocked 220 when they are adults.
I would recommend you get a 540 gallon like the one I have, if you have the funds of course. Then you could house 4 to 6 full grown adult sharks with other fish easily.