For Sale: 125 Gallon Set-up


Originally Posted by NaNoTaNkEr
He use to have more, dont be sarcastic i'll piss on you
That's real intelligent jack-ass. I wondered how long it was going to take you to figure this out.
You two must be smoking something if you think your going to get $1500 out of this set-up.
It doesn't matter what you put into this tank, it's what your trying to sell.
50 lbs. is not very much. Unless they're magical.


umm Its in his 40 gallon not to mention the people he got it from said it was good. Second of all dont EVER call me a jackass or insult my intelligence you probally have the mental depth of a puddle of spit


I can't help notice all the hub-bub going on over here... I have to agree 50 pounds of rock on a 125 is nothing, and if I gave you marbles and told you they were great live rock could I get 1500.00 for the setup? I suppose it is all in the sellers personal worth, but I think 300.00 is more like it.... Hey, if I give the full asking price do I get the Instant Ocean bucket? JUST A THOUGHT...


Originally Posted by NaNoTaNkEr
umm Its in his 40 gallon not to mention the people he got it from said it was good. Second of all dont EVER call me a jackass or insult my intelligence you probally have the mental depth of a puddle of spit
right, pee BOY and jack-ass


Eggs your comebacks are amazing.
Basically Im not saying the liverock is the main feature of his set-up, in general its a good system, and i am trying to help him because im tired of looking at it.


Originally Posted by NaNoTaNkEr
Eggs your comebacks are amazing.
Basically Im not saying the liverock is the main feature of his set-up, in general its a good system, and i am trying to help him because im tired of looking at it.

Just a suggestion then. Get some better pictures then because, those photos are terrible.


Active Member
One more chance to keep this thread on track before it is deleted.
I suggest that ONLY the original poster and any interested parties respond.
The seller can ask any price he wishes on this tank. You do not have a responsibility to respond. I think if no one replies he will soon see whether the price is too high.


Thank you, ophiura! The tank description is at the top, if there is a problem and you want more pictures, please e-mail me at and if you have an opinion on the tank, then notify my personally because not everyone wants to hear it. I would also like to apologize to other members of this forum for having to read what other, not as courteous, members have to say. Once again, thank you ophiura.