For Sale: 55 Gal Setup Northern Indiana


New Member
I recently upgraded to a 180 gallon setup so I'm selling my 55 gallon setup. Here is a list of things included.
-55 Gallon glass tank
-Custom stand cherry finish
-20 gal. tall sump with trickle box, bio balls, single overflow, and Rio 2100 return pump
-18 watt UV sterilizer with a rio 600 pump (purchased brand new in Nov. of 05)
-IceCap 660 ballast
-3 48" VHO bulbs (replaced in Jan. 06) mounted in a custom canopy with built in cooling fan
-Protein skimmer with a Rio 600 pump (it came from a amiracle wet/dry I use to have)
-I also have a Maxijet 600 pump and a aquaclear 30 wavemaker
asking $400 for it all I don't want to split it up. It will have to be pickup only as well.
I live in Warsaw Indiana e-mail me if you need to.



Hey man,
That's really nice I also have a 55 gal. (not quiet that prof. YET) My lfs kinda lead me into a money pit when I first started. I'm finally getting it back under control. I live in Richmond, IN. I'd love to have that setup to start over but I'm not sure.


New Member
I'd like to sell it all together. Hit me up in a few days and if I still have it I'll probably start parting it out.


All I can spend right now would be $150 and that's not enough for all of your setup. I just got done buy a bunch of corals for my 10 gallon.


Kronk where in Indiana are you located? Maybe you and I could work out some deals if your close to me to help you come up with the rest of the money. I might also be able to help with the pickup.


Yeah Gary is pretty far. I think warsaw is about half way between us. It might be closer to you. He does have a nice set-up doesn't. I want the lights, hoods, and the uv ster.