Florida residents ship overnight for $10
Everywhere else is USPS Express for $27
FedEx or UPS pays actual shipping costs only. No box fees or anything.
5 florida Florida ricordia. Orange w green mouths. All polyps will be AT LEAST 1.5 inches!! and some will be over 2"!!! These are NOT single polyps but ricordia attached to substantial LR. $50
Acan Purple with green mouth.
#1 2.5" X 1.25" $30
#2 1.25" x 1.25" $20
Tyree Alien EyeChalice I have no paperwork or lineage....It was sold to me as what it is named. I dont care about the name its a NICE chalice!!
3/4" - 1" $50 I paid ALOT more for a piece this size
Everywhere else is USPS Express for $27
FedEx or UPS pays actual shipping costs only. No box fees or anything.
5 florida Florida ricordia. Orange w green mouths. All polyps will be AT LEAST 1.5 inches!! and some will be over 2"!!! These are NOT single polyps but ricordia attached to substantial LR. $50

Acan Purple with green mouth.
#1 2.5" X 1.25" $30
#2 1.25" x 1.25" $20

Tyree Alien EyeChalice I have no paperwork or lineage....It was sold to me as what it is named. I dont care about the name its a NICE chalice!!
3/4" - 1" $50 I paid ALOT more for a piece this size