for sale smouth hound sharks local only


good news tank will be finished tomorrow, water and everything, then at the end of this week I have to pay some bills but I hope to be able to give u the money asap, I should be able to, possibly if u really want him out fast I could give u half when I take him and mail u the other half? its up to u, I completely understand if u want entire payment up front. I really like those smoothounds as well. How are they in comparision to a leopard, about the same? I know they are roaming sharks but would u reccomend one for my tank is what I'm trying to say lol
thanks buddy and sorry for the inconvience i've caused


hey bad news, this guy is very very shady thats setting up my tank and isn't coming tomorrow but this sunday great righth haha UGH I HATE THIS!.

david s

I know this is you refferattic lol I can tell by the nice black chairs in the background.:D I have seen his setup and it is sweet . I have done business buying stuff and he is a good guy.


Sillks: It's tuesday allready so if you want them tonight
let me know because im leaving tommorrow morning
for vacation.


hey this is Silkks11 for some reason I can't log into my old name but I had to create this new one. Very very sorry oceanclear to have not been able to respond to you. I finally got paid YAY! so I have plenty of money to get the shark, just need to find someone who wants to set up my tank for me. If you would be interested in setting up the tank you are more than welcome to come out for the day enjoy the pool, have lunch, set up the tank, and drop off your shark and ray for me.