For Sale, will Ship


Active Member
For Sale:
Used Eheim Canister Filter:
for a 90 to 120 gallon tank (this one has an internal heater, which
is broken due to bad design, could be fixed) $75.00 OBO
90 Gallon Aquarium w/ stand : WILL SHIP

48x24x18 24’ high Oak trim and oak stand 1 ½ years old, $250.00 OBO
.. Turno Skimmer, will repost if not taken.
50/50 Light, will repost if not taken.
50/50 Aquarium top lamp (24" long) 1 year $25.00 OBO50/50
lamp combo of daylight rays of the 10,000K and True actinic 03 Blue
If you want more details please call Rykna Olson at: 651-207-4582 or email me at


Active Member
It is 48 inches long and 15 inches wide. It is currently hanging, and has all the pieces excet for the orginal posts for mounting the light on the tank instead of hanging them. It comes with timers too. This is the best pic of it I have I can take more if you like.


Active Member
No, thankyou. I am selling everything so the little guys won't have a have anywhere to live.


Active Member
Sure.....You are the second to ask. If the 1st guy doesn't take it it's yours.
Here's a picture of the model. I don't have the pump for's in several pieces, other than that I have everything. I will keep you updated!


Active Member
55's a compact flourescent. I used it for my 45 gallon eel had some mushrooms in it.

reef diver

Active Member
How long is the smaller lamp? Also rykna, do you have any powerheads? Test kits etc. Man id like that metal halide but even the bargain 450 bucks is out of my budget. BTW sharkboy 13 your not the only teenager on here theres lots of us. Celecanthr is the most prominent. If you need any help give me a blip at im 15 by the way. Also rykna do you have any HOB metal halides? Do you have an overflow box?

tanks alot

can you get me a picture of what the skimmer looks like so i know if i can put it toghether and is it the turbo floater 1000


Active Member
I just updated the list, thanks all for your responses.

For Sale:
1.) Outer Orbit Lighting System Taken

2.) Light Taken, SHIPPING PENDIND:
50/50 Aquarium top lamp 1 year $25.00 OBO 50/50 lamp combo of daylight rays of the 10,000K and True actinic 03 Blue
3.) 2 used Eheim Canisters Filter
*55 gallon, Shipping pending, will repost if not taken
The other is for a 90 to 120 gallon tank (this one has an internal heater, which is broken due to bad design, could be fixed) $75.00 OBO
4.) 90 Gallon Aquarium w/ stand WILL SHIP
48x24x18 24’ high Oak trim and oak stand 1 ½ years old, $250.00 OBO
5.) Skimmer TAKEN.....Shipping pending, will repost if not taken.


Active Member
thanks all for your responses.
For Sale:
Used Eheim Canister Filter:
for a 90 to 120 gallon tank (this one has an internal heater, which
is broken due to bad design, could be fixed) $75.00 OBO
90 Gallon Aquarium w/ stand : WILL SHIP
48x24x18 24’ high Oak trim and oak stand 1 ½ years old, $250.00 OBO