For Sale


Aqua C EV120 Protein Skimmer
Dolphin 560 pump
CPR Wet/Dry Filter w/ Overflow Box and return line
Rio2100 pump
Titanium Heater
3 Penguin Pumps
120 gal. Aquarium
2 light hoods
All this stuff is less than 4 months old!
Would like to sell all together. Will throw in self made stand and various books on marine fish.:jumping:


New Member
How much for the whole setup? I live in MN. Where are you located? If you give me a price and some photo's perhaps we can make a deal :)


I wish I could give pics but don't have the technology.
I can tell you that with the exception of the aquarium, I purchased all my items at ***********.com They have pictures of all the products.