For those of whom have Elegance Coral!


Active Member
Hey, I'm getting an Elegance Coral on friday. It's beautiful and has been at my store for a couple of weeks. I know this can be a difficult coral to keep, but I think I am ready for the challenge. I just wanted to know what those who have kept and do keep this coral do? Lighting, flow, feeding?? The skeleton is very small probably 2" long but the polyp extension is as big as my hand 5-6" at it's widest part. When I go to work tomarrow, I will take a picture and post it later tomarrow. Any comments or suggestions are welcome!


Active Member
Melly, my LFS steared me away from them as they are known not to last long in captivity. Good luck to ya. Barry
I'm sorry I was thinking about flower pot. never mind.
it's been one of those nights.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Melly, my LFS steared me away from them as they are known not to last long in captivity. Good luck to ya. Barry
I'm sorry I was thinking about flower pot. never mind.
it's been one of those nights.
It's ok lol. No problem. I have heard that some people can keep them, and others cannot. It's been doing very well, and it is beautiful, green with light purple tips. Thanks though



Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Some people can keep them......... till they die, normally within a year or less......
My boss's friend has one that he has had for a couple of years, the thing is HUGE. I would say probably twice the size of a football. I am willing to take the chance, all my parameters are within range ammonia, nitrite, nitrate 0ppm, pH 8.2, alk 3.5, calcium 440ppm, temp 78-80, salinity 1.025. Lights: 3x150 watt hqi, 4x96watt pc. I feed Kent Marine microvert and phytoplex a couple times a week, should I spot feed??


Active Member
I think you should research the enviroment that they are found in or ask you boss's friend...If he/she has had success for that long....IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I think you should research the enviroment that they are found in or ask you boss's friend...If he/she has had success for that long....IMO.
He has it in a 90 gallon tank w/ VHO's. I have talked to my boss and told him my parameters, and lighting, and how often I feed the tank, and he said that it should be fine in my system. I am concerned that my gold stripe maroon clown will try to host it?? He hosts weird stuff like clam, candy cane, mushrooms, hole in a rock. I am probably going to get the elegance regardless, it's beautiful and I am willing to try it. I don't want to look like a martyr or anything, but I don't want to leave it in the tank at work, only to be brought home by a customer and possibly killed anyways. I am just looking for some suggestions on what I should do to increase the possibility of me keeping this long term.


Active Member
They were easy about 2 or 3 years ago. Unfortunately for them, they were so popular that the ones near the surface have been harvested to near extinction and the lfs only have deeper water specimens now.


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Originally Posted by xDave
They were easy about 2 or 3 years ago. Unfortunately for them, they were so popular that the ones near the surface have been harvested to near extinction and the lfs only have deeper water specimens now.
Do you mean, this one could possibly not like alot of light, or that it just won't do good period. Like I said, I'm prolly gonna get it anyways because I've fallen in love with it, but I would just like to know any tips. Thanks for the posts!


Active Member
Heres a couple pictures of the elegance, and the vlamingi tang at work(he is such a ham, and loves anyone that will feed him).
P.S. I talked to my boss's friend that has had his elegance for 2 years, and he said he is suprised no one bought this one yet. He feeds his elegance a piece of krill every three months or so.



Active Member
I just keep reading that this is why they don't do as well as they used to. It does make sense that ones collected deeper would do better with conditions of species collected from similar depth. No one has said that in anything I've read though.


it looks healthy enough, give it a try and see what happens. Just look at what kinda conditions(waterflow, light ect) its happy in and then find a spot in your tank that has similiar conditions. Good luck.


Originally Posted by seannmelly
I got it tonight, let you guys know how it goes.
How is the coral doing?


Active Member
So far so good! I've had it for a week and a half, and it's been opening up everyday and for all day. I think it even opens up bigger that it did at the store! I closed it up so I could look for tissue recession, and there has been none!


Originally Posted by seannmelly
So far so good! I've had it for a week and a half, and it's been opening up everyday and for all day. I think it even opens up bigger that it did at the store! I closed it up so I could look for tissue recession, and there has been none!
good to hear! :) keep us posted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EmeralCrab
Hows your elegance coral doing? Any new pictures?
It's doing great!! It's gotten a little bit bigger and puffs up very nicely. I've taken more recent pictures I'll post them when I get home from work!