For those overly organized aquarist


I am just curious for those of you that are extremely organized and anal out there. Do any of you have some type of form or tracking record for testing and supplements that you dose? I am the type of person that does better with a list of things to do and want to make up a schedule of some sort to keep me on track with my tank. anything would be great. Right now i only have a little record to document my testing.


Active Member
I do the same. I doc any thing that goes in daily.
This is what I think you should test if you are going to use any additives or are new to reefs. It is also helpful to keep a daily log of what you do and the test you take so you can see the effect your actions or lack of action has on the tank.
Temp: check 2 times a day
Salinity: check every 3 days
Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Phosphate: test daily till they zero then go with gut and test as needed
PH, Calcium, Alkalinity: 2 times a week maybe more
Magnesium: when Calcium cant be raised
If you keep a good log you will soon learn when you need to make adjustments and what an additive will do to the water chemistry. Test more often when using something new…


Well-Known Member
I do this too. I chart temp, salinity, amm, trites, trates, phos, calc, and alk on a weekly basis, as well as an observation log with what went on that week and a fish health log. It's probably anal, but I do it anyway. To be honest, I skip the phosphate one most of the time because I don't have much of an issue there, but once in a while I pull it out.


Everyday I say I'm going to start tracking in a diary. Its just been about 4 years and I haven't got there yet. But trust me, its definately better to track and I'm going to start tommorrow, hopefully....if everything goes right...and I have the time...or maybe the next see how my tracking is going.