For those that have Basslets


Active Member
I would like to get a Basslet for my 46 but heres the problem. I would like to get ish that don't hide all day and are worthless for the view. Being that I only have a 46 I don't want to be limited to 5 fishes and see 2 of them.
So my question is this: Do Basslets hide a lot?
What are some fish that are colorful that swim around?
Originally Posted by CAM78
Are you kidding? No posts in 4 hours? Is it that dumb of a question?
I'm a fan of royal grammas. They are cheap (one per tank) and mine swims around quite a bit.


I don't know about basslets (Sorry)- but a fish I know you will like and enjoy is a midas blenny.
I have one in my reef and I just love her (or at least I think it's a "her")
She swims upfront all day long and when she sees me she swims straight to the front of the glass- sometimes even raming it!
I would definitely recomend this fish since you are limited to how many fish you can get!!!
This is a fish you cannot pass up!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gramma Loreto/Royal Gramma. Mine is out all day long. Swims with my clowns they tease each other here and there and really seem to enjoy each other. Very beautiful and a very inquisitive fish overall.


New Member
Chalk Basslets are not real big on hiding, I have 2, they kinda pick out a spot and stay there most of the time, but they don't hide much, they have a great color and get along with everything else I have


I like some good chromis either purple or blue-green. Get a school of about 3 or 4. These fish will swim activly if not threatened.
P.S. I like royals and midas blennys too. Both are excellent fish.


New Member
I have an orange basslet.
Hes sits in his favorite place on the rock and he swims around a lot. Bad thing is, he did eat my small cleaner shrimp :((
And yeah, I have a Midas and I <3 him, definately get one of those. I like clowns too, I have a black one and an orange one, they are the most active of the lot.


Swissguard and candycane basslets will hide a lot, so maybe best to avoid those. Royal Grammas, black cap basslets and pseudochromids are usually out in the open a lot once they acclimate to your tank. However, large aggressive fish in the tank may cause any small fish to hide.


Active Member
get a BLACKCAP BASSLET!!!!!! they will probably have a cave that they will sleep in but i have one and its out swimming around all the time very beautiful fish
I have an orangeback basslet whom my husband has named D.C. because marks behind his head look like the letters d and c.[And yes, I do name some of my fish, and yes I do even pet some of my fish, lol]. But anyway, I think the orangeback is beautiful, relatively inexpensive and stays out front all day long. I don't have a midas but did have a beautiful royal gramma that unfortunately recently died of velvet disease. If you decided on a royal gramma, hope you were able to get it while this site had them for just $1.99.


Active Member
wat all is in with your orangeback and wat size tank do you have? ive wanted them but i have a coral banded shrimp (could care less if it was eaten) but i have a pistol shrimp and alot of porcelien crabs... i dont want them to be ate...
Originally Posted by nYgel
wat all is in with your orangeback and wat size tank do you have? ive wanted them but i have a coral banded shrimp (could care less if it was eaten) but i have a pistol shrimp and alot of porcelien crabs... i dont want them to be ate...
I have a 20 gallon with 1 porcelain crab, 1 green emerald crab, 2 purple urchins, 1 green goby and 1 damsel The orangeback is very peaceful. The green emerald is about the most aggressive thing in the tank. I don't know about the pistol shrimp- if it would be safe or not. But I do have hermits and snails and no problems. However my cbs in my 55 gallon has eaten a number of my red legged hermits and has grabbed at several of my fish. I've found a store that will soon be taking him off my hands thank goodness!


Active Member
I second the black cap, I have one in my 46 it was shy for a few weeks, now he eats from my hand, and is out all the time, very cool fish!


my chalk basslet is out the entire day in my 46 and never hides