For those who are in war.....with ich.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SkeletonCowboy
you would put a 8 inch dogface puffer, a 4 inch valentini puffer, 5 inch honeycomb puffer, a scopas tang, maroon clown, 2 4-stripe damsels, blue damsel, rectangualr trigger, and a lemonpeel angel in a 10 gallon tank? didnt think so...
You can get a very large rubbermaid storage bin for very cheap to use as a QT.


Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
yeah, sometimes u just gotta take a joke. ive seen some post around here and peolpe look all desperate to kill ich. they look frustrated and ready to quit the hobby and all. sometimes u jus gotta take a laugh and just's just ich. theres no better medicine then laughter. plus i think it helps the owner a little bit and take off some tension as the link was just to ENCOURAGE them that they are capable of eliminating ich in their tank. this post was more to "cheer up" the owner in his her process in this part of the hobby.
LazyPinoy, I can take a joke..............if it is funy. "You have to laugh and's just ich?" "Just ich" can throw a $2,000 or more investment down the toilet. I love to have fun and joke around, but this is not the forum to do it in. Cheering up someone with a tank full of ich is accomplished when all of their fish survive. Sorry, I do not kid about disease nor the treatments.


well,sepulatian ur entitled to ur opinion and i am to mine. to me ich is just ich. its not like aids to me or anything big just a small stupid tiny parasite like a mosquito but for fish.
n e ways.
ive been ich free since august 2006. and this is my story.
ich was first sighted in my 55 gallon tank. ive tried those stupid ich meds that dont hurt inverts. well soon i learned, if it dont hurt inverts, then it dont hurt ich. well lost 80$ in the meds and ich was still victorious.
Ive then brought the big guns. A UV sterilzer...the ich began to die off slowly but were still present. i had the uv pump in the main tank since i knew ich travel within the low mid section of the tank. i never say an ich out break again. hers a pic to show u the recovery with uv and after uv.


UV results may vary.
yeah the uv was kickin butt in the 55 but on my new suked even with another 40watt uv with a total of 49 watts of uv.
My 125 was outbreakin with ich and the fish were already in there. with the corals nd rock work with 160# LR. the uv was installed and it did nothing. may due to its placement in the sump and not the maintank.
i began feeding of garlic , fresh minced garlic from the market, and supllemented all the foods i feed with it.
Garlic method i did:
I got 3 gloves. got a cheese grater and grated them in a cup. got 2 ml of water and a smasher to smash the shreds. theres was enough of garlic juice in the 2ml diluted water.. soaked the soultuion is mysid shrimp, their nori, theyre brine. within a few weeks ich began to decline.
then i say my lfs have changed the price on cleaner chrimp to 11.99$ he gave me for 10$ since i was a regular. about 10 one week.. then 10 more another.
well now my tank has healthy fish. ICH is sitll in my tank i kno. but i have never seen it on my fish ever again.
in summary:
i used uv. worked great in small tanks under 100 when placed in maintank.
Garlic helpes a lot when using fresh garlic.
Then i reinforced everything with cleaner shirmps. 20. over kill i kno i coulve stoped at 5 for my size tank.
havent lost a fish to ich since.


why i havent quarintined or used hypo?
No more room in the house for Quarintine and just another thing to maintain.
Hypo- too much hassle"at least for me it is" especially one with a reef the whole process.
not saying u shouldnt use this "recomended methods" , just saying i didnt and i have had success.


Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
why i havent quarintined or used hypo?
No more room in the house for Quarintine and just another thing to maintain.
Hypo- too much hassle"at least for me it is" especially one with a reef the whole process.
not saying u shouldnt use this "recomended methods" , just saying i didnt and i have had success.
You have put a bandaid on a broken arm IMO.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
How is this funny? Most people that come to this board are looking for help. This does not provide help, nor does it help matters with others at all. It provides a false sense of what the parasite actually is. This parasite stays in the tank until it is irradicated. This post is not informative, and I personally do not think that it should still be in Disease and Treatment, but it is not my call.
....Seriously? I know this is an investment and blah blah blah. You guys treat this hobby to seriously. It's kind of like you give this fish homes with plastic on the couches and child proof cabinets. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to live like that. This is a funny video. At least give this guy some credit and lighten up a little.