For thoses with glass tops.


After a great night of FUN I came home to a half dead tank.
Somehow the center brace(glass) that supports the tank gaveway at the seal. My lights rest on TWO pians of 1/4 inch glass , they sit on the lip that gose around the tank and the brace takes some of the wight.
When the BRACE gaveway my glass, lights,and a roll of tape fell in the tank and could have bin in there for 2 - 10.
I have g.f.i. outlets but it did not stop the glass from stopping flow and raising the temp. Fish died,
corals srunk
zoos closed up.The only thing that made it was my hermit crab. He ate everything on the sand. The lamps burnt out and rusted in the tank water a bit. Bulbs filled with water and the smell of fish death.
If any one is still using two peices of glass make the switch to one long glass. It sucks to have a busted the brace but not as much as loseing all your fish.


AHHHHHH! Thats bad. What lights? Flourscent or halide? If it broke you may have got phospherus in the water. What is the plan? WC with some AC?


Originally Posted by xtreeme
AHHHHHH! Thats bad. What lights? Flourscent or halide? If it broke you may have got phospherus in the water. What is the plan? WC with some AC?
pulled out 55 gallons to start my 55 coral tank because I had no way to light my 125.
Sent the lights to the shop for repairs,ordered new light bulbs. will use old bulbs from last year for now.
got a big clamp to help reapply the brace. All glass aquerium silicone for tank constuction. I will work on it tonight.


So you are draining tank then and pitching old water. Wasnt sure if you were keeping the water or starting over.
I hope that never happens in 125 I am getting. Maybe I will mod it, has 3 24".


IF you got a canopy jest add a cross member.If not then get glass as thick as you can and rest it over/on the tank
As for my water its being used in the my old 55 that i am using just for coral. I got a light on them now.
I will go home and see if they made it or started to open up.

Called home the coral tank is good with some opened opened up zoas. good news on a sad day.


No, it was the brace that goes front to back, or side to side(depends on P.O.V.). Yes all the lights fell in.
My corals have not opened again and my oldest coral is dying. sad is it not.
Reapplyed the brace two nights ago and will remove yhe clamp and add new water.Get new glass cut.
I feel very sad at the loss of my fish.


Active Member
My 125 gal has a crossbrace in the middle, AND under the cross brace is a 2' wide piece of 1/4" glass. I also have a double flourescent 6' light. There is no way my canopy or light could fall in. You might silicone a center piece of glass
like that to keep it from happening again.

scopus tang

Active Member
Ouch! Thats the berries. Very sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully you will be able to save somethings. You may want to do a major water change in the 55 as someone suggested, just in case something from the lights got into you water. Good to hear your still in the game ~ chin up, and all that.


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Ouch! Thats the berries. Very sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully you will be able to save somethings. You may want to do a major water change in the 55 as someone suggested, just in case something from the lights got into you water. Good to hear your still in the game ~ chin up, and all that.
Thank you everybody it helps.
I have done a 50% water change and rescaped the tank got all the tiny fish out of the substrate. sad. Put the brace back on and topped up. I did find one fish alive. A white and yellow damsel with some black up front. I am sure I lost my oldest coral ,A leather cabbage that had growen so big I cut it in half.
I think I will wait a few months B4 I get another fish. I will get more corals and a new C.U.C. as for fish when I am ready I am thinking of pair.
Got the new glass on top and everything is up and running as well as it can be.
Thanks again everybody.


Don't worry about the cabbage leather. I had one in my tank for about two years- did nothing to the tank and the leather got smaller. Had reproduced and had several pieces growing they all disappeared. decided to start taking care of the tank and add some corals and new lights. low and behold I have at least three cabbage leathes growing. Very small pieces are growing into nice size corals. I really thought i'd never see them again but every once in awhile I spot a piece on a rock starting to grow. Hang in there and just give them good water quality and light and I'm sure it will grow again.