Forget the Arizona Immigration Law, now you can't even show your patriotism


Active Member
Originally Posted by Handbanana
I was wondering if I could comment on the AZ immigration law thing or is that too off topic?
At yesterdays Suns/Spurs game the suns wore their Los Suns Jerseys tho show their attitude and involvement in our immigration law. OK
I don't necessarily think the Suns should get involved but Thats the teams and their managers choice.
What kind of upset me is the news team posted the publics twitters on the subject and someone wrote "shame on you Mr. Nash for Voicing your opinion. As a Canadian please try to remember you are a guest in our country." or something to those words.
That just seems wrong to me. Why cant Steve voice his Opinion? I cant imagine hes here Illegally.
Sorry for being off topic.
If I were a cop, I'd ask nash for his papers...
IMO it is like this, in our family we can have our internal differences, but if someone outside our family slams our family, they screwed up... Same thing on a larger scale...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I share that part of my culture, why not? Mexican food is the bomb! (when mexican's cook it)
No doubt there. If I go into a Mexican food place I expect to see flags and stuff


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
so If you went to Mexico and started speaking English would you get that same turn out? No. IMO the companies cater to the needs of the lazy and everybody suffers for it. If you went to another country and only spoke Spanish you would be Sh* out of luck wouldnt you? You would be forced to learn that language wouldnt you? This gives Spanish people in Particular not to learn english. You dont see them Catering to the Asians and their different languages. Hell You dont see us catering to the Middle East either. Its BS people stand up for it.
I agree with you. Im not qualified for a job in my own neighborhood because Im not that fluent in spanish? Pure BS. If I go down to Mexico no one goes out of their way to speak english to me. Sometimes People will even pretend NOT to understand you whan they clearly do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
If I were a cop, I'd ask nash for his papers...
IMO it is like this, in our family we can have our internal differences, but if someone outside our family slams our family, they screwed up... Same thing on a larger scale...
Your family sounds like mine. God help the poor SOB that gets involved in our little world


New Member
Originally Posted by Handbanana
I agree with you. Im not qualified for a job in my own neighborhood because Im not that fluent in spanish? Pure BS. If I go down to Mexico no one goes out of their way to speak english to me. Sometimes People will even pretend NOT to understand you whan they clearly do.
Well that all depends on the person. I never ignore anyone. ( Unless i know them and they are trying to annoy me)


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
so If you went to Mexico and started speaking English would you get that same turn out? No. IMO the companies cater to the needs of the lazy and everybody suffers for it. If you went to another country and only spoke Spanish you would be Sh* out of luck wouldnt you? You would be forced to learn that language wouldnt you? This gives Spanish people in Particular not to learn english. You dont see them Catering to the Asians and their different languages. Hell You dont see us catering to the Middle East either. Its BS people stand up for it.
In houston, there is a large asian population, and yes businesses do stuff to cater to them, and I've been many places with (whatever language it was) eastern languages.
Another good example of that is Seattle Mariners. They have a large japanese following thanks to Icharo. And they have well I"ve seen adds in, I assume, Japanese. It is just companies trying to get a bigger piece of a pie.
Look my grandfather is a naturalized citizen, he can get by but speaks very poor english. (it helps he lived on a border town for 65 years, so he really wasn't forced to learn and my grandmother spoke very good english. He was anything but lazy. I've taken him to go vote before, he made me wear a suit and tie, out of respect for the United States voting process. Then we spent the whole day with him explaining how wonderful it was for him to vote, and sit in a cafe without the fears of riots or being gunned down while in mexico. He is completely amazed at the peaceful transfer of power. But he had it right, he forced his kids to speak english, and told them to speak it without an accent. People will judge you by how you speak he said. I say all that to say, he's a better American than most people we have running our country, but he can't speak English...
Originally Posted by reefraff

I remember working retail, 7-11, and people would get pissed that I didn't speak spanish.
What really bugged me, actually PO'ed me was guys would come in for a 6 pack and some cigs. I would ask "is this all" and they would say yes with just the 6 pack there. Once I rang it up and made their change (this was in the dark ages when you had to be able to make change in your head) they would say "Cigarro de Maroboro" like every time. I assume in mexico they must be rang up seperate.
I've only seen them get all huffy when the guy is named Juan Jose...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I don't get why people get all upset about companies trying to cater to their clients... Personally as someone who's lived in countries that don't speak english, I'd be VERY relieved when I ran into a good english speaker. Just a break from having to think when speaking a second language.
When I was working in retail, I made a living and paid for school, because I spoke spanish. I'd seriously have a line of people waiting for me, just because I spoke their language. When I left the store, those clients would follow me.
I understand why businesses do it, I just don't agree with it. As long as they continue to coddle people who speak a different language besides English, they'll never have a reason to learn English. I'm just tired of it pretty much overtaking my life. Granted I live in one of the most populated Hispanic cities in the nation, but San Antonio still is located inside the UNITED STATES borders.
A co-worker had a minor auto accident the other day, and when he got out to talk to the person who hit him, the guy didn't understand one lick of English. He kept yelling at him in Spanish, and the guy was getting frustrated my buddy couldn't understand him. He was about to get into his car and leave, until my buddy started waving his cell phone and yelling "Policia! Policia!" He called 911 and had to ask if they could send a cop who knew Spanish to come to the accident site to straighten things out. What's sad was when he was telling me and a couple other co-workers the story, this female Hispanic co-woker walks by and says, "You know, if you'd just try and learn some basic Spanish words and phrases, incidents like that wouldn't happen."


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
What's sad was when he was telling me and a couple other co-workers the story, this female Hispanic co-woker walks by and says, "You know, if you'd just try and learn some basic Spanish words and phrases, incidents like that wouldn't happen."

Would have been tough not to slap her...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
What's sad was when he was telling me and a couple other co-workers the story, this female Hispanic co-woker walks by and says, "You know, if you'd just try and learn some basic Spanish words and phrases, incidents like that wouldn't happen."

I have a phrase that I would like to know how to say to her in Spanish but the mods would delete my post if I wrote it out!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
A co-worker had a minor auto accident the other day, and when he got out to talk to the person who hit him, the guy didn't understand one lick of English. He kept yelling at him in Spanish, and the guy was getting frustrated my buddy couldn't understand him. He was about to get into his car and leave, until my buddy started waving his cell phone and yelling "Policia! Policia!" He called 911 and had to ask if they could send a cop who knew Spanish to come to the accident site to straighten things out. What's sad was when he was telling me and a couple other co-workers the story, this female Hispanic co-woker walks by and says, "You know, if you'd just try and learn some basic Spanish words and phrases, incidents like that wouldn't happen."

She may have a point, after all he stayed after your co-worker started speaking in spanish "policia"


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
so If you went to Mexico and started speaking English would you get that same turn out? No. IMO the companies cater to the needs of the lazy and everybody suffers for it. If you went to another country and only spoke Spanish you would be Sh* out of luck wouldnt you? You would be forced to learn that language wouldnt you? This gives Spanish people in Particular not to learn english. You dont see them Catering to the Asians and their different languages. Hell You dont see us catering to the Middle East either. Its BS people stand up for it.
lol, it wasn't even like one of those obviously patriotic shirts... It was one of those old navy shirts with a flag on it...


Active Member
Sounds to me like any theater that would show that would be a candidate for a fire bombing in Az. Be interesting to see if he really makes it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Sounds to me like any theater that would show that would be a candidate for a fire bombing in Az. Be interesting to see if he really makes it.
except the whole thing of, it isn't the right that are violent nuts.


Active Member
lol, well actually it isn't funny. Check this out.
"...On Thursday, about 200 Mexican-American students walked out of class in protest of the flag clothing incident. Members of the group waved the Mexican flag and said they were marching for respect and unity. They also demanded the school suspend the boys who wore the U.S. flag-adorned clothing..."
Personally they aught to march em all the way back to mexico for gratitude.


Active Member
Well now isn't this cute. The group marched waving the Mexican flag to show unity and demand the boys be suspended over the flag incident.
What has 400 legs and a IQ of 50? A group of 200 marchers......