forgot to turn my mantis tank now hes dead



how come he survived a ride in a bag for 24 hours forget his pump off overnight and he is toast had him now for about 4 months we were just starting to be buds


Active Member
It sounds like you may have a chemical problem with your tank.. In other words you could have something like toxic ammonia or some other substance that is building up in your tank and when you turned the pump off it became stronger in a local area within the tank.
What are your water parameters? How often do you do water changes and do you clean the substrate?


it is tied in with my 125 reef I turn the sump off when I feed fell asleep and forgot about it he had 1 domino damsel in his tank with him he is fine
and no I dont sift through the sand
water changes 20% every week
and parameters are spot on but I turned the pump back on way before I noticed he was dead so the nasty water might be devoured by the main system and I never will know


I'm sure he's dead he molted a couple weeks ago I fished him out he's dead


Active Member
Contrary to what people think, mantis' are not the easiest critters to keep. They have a habit of burying their food and thier molt which hurts the water big time. They are very sensitive to temperature and salinity changes (like any other shrimp).
I would venture to say that it wasnt necessarily just the powerhead. Maybe there was something else brewing, and the stagnant water overnight just kicked it over the edge.
That really sucks. I had one that just died one day (he molted a few weeks prior too).. and the tank he was in I still have, and its perfect.. who knows :(
Good Luck with your next one (I hate to say that)


it did turn out to be a few things I decided to clean house since he would never let me. I found 2 snails and a crab buried in the sand the sand around it was black and stunk so I'm sure the fresh flow was the only thing keeping him alive now I hope I can find another one