Form.1 and 2 with gel binders.


Active Member
I have some formula 1 and 2 with gel binders in it. How do you guys/gals hadle prepping this food for feeding. It's a gel cube when thawed and I've been running it through my garlic press. But thats messy as well as time consuming. Aslo my LNB 's mouth is too small to get any of the big blobs it leaves behind. Is there some trick to it?


New Member
I usually take and unthaw them on a tray or plate so the melting liquid doesnt get all over and then i take and pinch it and break it up while in the tank seems to work well for me maybe someone else has a better idea


My fish won't touch the gel based foods. I have tried. Does your LFS carry anything other than gel based that you could get them?


Active Member
The gel based stuff is supposed to be more nutritiunal. It's from what
I understand protien. I have a bunch of this as I got it on sale BYGO. It's only a part of what I feed so it's not an everyday thing. Mine wouldnt touch it at first either, but after 3 or 4 feedings of it they gobble it up. Anybody else?
They get:
Formula1 and 2
Formula VHP
Marine cuisine
Emerald entree
Mysis shrimp
Spiralina enriched brine shrimp
Blood worms
and I think a couple others I dont recal.


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
The gel based stuff is supposed to be more nutritiunal. It's from what
I understand protien. I have a bunch of this as I got it on sale BYGO. It's only a part of what I feed so it's not an everyday thing. Mine wouldnt touch it at first either, but after 3 or 4 feedings of it they gobble it up. Anybody else?
They get:
Formula1 and 2
Formula VHP
Marine cuisine
Emerald entree
Mysis shrimp
Spiralina enriched brine shrimp
Blood worms
and I think a couple others I dont recal.
Doc, the gel is not a protein source, it is gelatin to keep it together. It is an additive, that is all.


Active Member
yea, i was sorta disgusted by this stuff as well, especially since it is always suggested. Idon't know if it's any good for them, but my fish eat it quite fast.
i just thaw it and break it into small pieces in my tank.


Active Member
I don't feed any of the "gel" based foods anymore, I have in the past. I don't like them, but what you can do is maybe chop it up into small pieces while it is frozen(easier to cut, not slippery like when wet), then thaw and mash it some more. Like I said, I never really was too crazy over the stuff, so I only feed food that does not have the gel binder.


I got a bunch of it and didnt like it so i played around with it (after it sat in the back of the freezer for a few months) and for me, if i let it sit for a long while in some water it breaks up. Before that i just chopped it.


I am tired of it too but my fish eat it. Can't wait to get through three packs of it so I can try something new. My fish actually gobbled up formula 1 and 2 flakes quicker than the frozen.


Active Member
I have a sure fire way to prep the formula 1 and 2 foods, and it has worked for me for years! There are actually two ways, but both are equally effective. The first way is to take all of your food packets outside and open them on your lawn. You then take the empty plastic holders and place those in a trash can. The second easier and quicker way is to take the plastic holders full of food and simply place them food and all into your trash can. You then find some food that is easier and much less of a pain to use. Like I said I started this a number of years ago and it still works for me today.
I hate that stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
I have a sure fire way to prep the formula 1 and 2 foods, and it has worked for me for years! There are actually two ways, but both are equally effective. The first way is to take all of your food packets outside and open them on your lawn. You then take the empty plastic holders and place those in a trash can. The second easier and quicker way is to take the plastic holders full of food and simply place them food and all into your trash can. You then find some food that is easier and much less of a pain to use. Like I said I started this a number of years ago and it still works for me today.
I hate that stuff.
