formalin bath


question about this
From beths treatment forum
Formalin Bath

In a separate dedicated container fill with water from your display. Use a 37% formaldehyde solution [brand name Formalin which is sold in the hobby] at 20 drops for each gal of water. Be sure to aerate the bathe water using an airstone that is deadicated to formalin bathes. Place infected fish in the bathe for 45 minutes, every other day, 3-5 treatments.
Warning: This is a toxic medication so don't overdose. When finished with the bath, safely disgard the bath water. Do not use the same water for subsequest treatments. Take care not to have contact with the formalin.
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now my question
ok so in your display do you catch the fish every other day and place them in say a 5 gallon bucket/ or tote for 45 mins then return to the display/ or to a seperate QT tank?
if retunred to display wont they just get reinfected?
i dont have a QT (hense why im probably now asking this question) (there is nothing easy in this hobby) LOL
if have to go QT route how long does black ich survive without a host is it the same as reg. ich
i have 2 fish showing signs and several others not, should i QT all or just the ones showing signs of black ich
i do have a spare 45 gallon tank i could set up as a hospital tank but it would need to cycle etc....
and if placed in QT what would be the diffrence wouldnt the parasite just take up residence in the QT tank and reinfect the fish there.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Pallan
my question
ok so in your display do you catch the fish every other day and place them in say a 5 gallon bucket/ or tote for 45 mins then return to the display/ or to a separate QT tank?
if returned to display wont they just get reinfected?
Yes, you need to move them back and forth.
i have 2 fish showing signs and several others not, should i QT all or just the ones showing signs of black ich
Just treat the fish with signs of black ich.
i do have a spare 45 gallon tank i could set up as a hospital tank but it would need to cycle etc....
and if placed in QT what would be the difference wouldn't the parasite just take up residence in the QT tank and reinfect the fish there.
Setting up the QT will be easier than trying to catch fish in your display 3-5 times. So set it up. After the treatment, the fish can go back to the display. And then you don't add anymore fish into the QT for a month....that would be standard practice for most QTs after a disease outbreak. You will have to keep the QT from cycling, IE use 100% water from your display to fill the QT, add some sand from your display, be ready to do daily water changes.
Keep the fish in QT for 10 days...that should be enough to rid the display of the parasite.


one last question.
Umm what do you do if you cant catch fish
afriad i know the answer to this. :thinking: ----to bad move all the rock and catch em right


Staff member
That would be depend on if you want to dismantle your tank to save fish, or if you wish to sacrifice the fish to disease.