Formula for Live Rock?


Is there a mathamatical formula to know how much live rock to add in a new tank?
Pounds per gallon or something?
I am starting a 60 gallon and am debating the live rock issue.


Active Member
But thats a bunch of well I wont say it here. You may get 1 pound or 3/4 pounds of rock per gallon and like it that way.


Active Member
I'd say anywhere from 1 to 2 pounds for a reef tank. Any less and I don't think it is technically a "reef" tank. Make sure you get adequate water flow. 20 to 25 times your tank's volume should be pumping per hour in order for the live rock to do its thang.


Active Member
I have 1.5 pounds of rock as of right now and I plan on getting a few more "there part of the corals im getting" It really depends on what you like like I said you might get to 3/4 of rock per gallon and say you like it and call it quites but you never know till you get there.


Thanks for the reponse, great info.
Damn, Live Rock is a little expensive.
Even at 1 pound per gallon, that would put me at 60 pounds!
Anywhere from $350 to $750.............(if my math is right, around $10 to $12 a pound).
I am looking at adding LR for cycle and better tank chemistry purposes.
I eventually want a fish only tank, but maybe a few inverts (anemones).
I think I might start low and maybe work me way up later.
As for circulation, I have a canister filter (350gph) and 2 PH (274gph), I hope thats good!
Thanks again.


Active Member
Buy it offline you can get it for $4 a pound with shipping included.
And your math is alittle off it would be from $5.8 to $12.5 per pound.


Thank you, your right.
I have been calling around the LFS and found it as low as $6 a pound.
Still searching.....


NP... it's basically the same kind of rock as live rock, except that it is completely dead. It either was never in the water or has been out of it for a long time. Eventually the live stuff will colonize the base rock and turn it into live rock (in about 6 months to a year).


Some do, but I think most don't... You can find it by searching online. The first site I found by Googling "base rock" sells it for about $1.60/lb plus shipping as long as you are buying 20lbs or more.