formula two flake


Just curious if this is bad for fish in any way? Regular feedings consist of different frozen foods and I also make some food for them as well but they all love the flake food so when I give them a pinch here and there as a snack. Tried to do a search and I saw a lot of recommendations for the formula two frozen vs the flake but I'm not sure if that is because the flake is bad for them or the tank or if it's just because most fish don't like the flake food. Mine absolutely love it.


Mine did too, however, I believe that flake foods can be high in phosphates. I had my phosphates inch up when my wife would feed flake food, so we discontinued it.


Originally Posted by buckster71
Mine did too, however, I believe that flake foods can be high in phosphates. I had my phosphates inch up when my wife would feed flake food, so we discontinued it.
Can anyone else confirm this. I'm battling a phosphate/algae problem due to high phosphates and this is what prompted me to ask the question.


Active Member
Flake food is indeed high in phosphates if allowed to sit in the tank uneaten. A snack here or their is fine, but allowed to fall to the rocks, or sand and be buried under rocks is not good. But, so are the jellied frozen foods sold as gumdrops. Any gel binder food is high in phosphates. These are very bad.
Stick with the hikari brand.....excellent source of protein and are valued for their high sterilizing techniques on the food source. A little more expensive, but worth their weight in gold.