Forum Rules


Active Member
Where so I find them, I need to reread them as I have been warned in the past day or so.


Active Member
don't drink and post.
don't mention any competitor sites as this is primarily a store.
no religion debates.
threads that get off subject with two people arguing are sometimes locked up.
don't bring up threads that are years old.
there's more i'm sure.


  • *No links to competitors or sites that link to them nor other BB sites
    * No cussing
    *Be Courteous and respectful
    the above are the main ones that people get in trouble for so I put them in my sig so that people will see them and it also means they are posted 9500 diferent places and riseing LOL
    no photos that are inapropriate or revealing
    at the top of each forum there are also stickied posts that are posted that state things that are not acceptable that happens mainly in those forums.
there is no set place for rules really the mods and admin post about different things if we are unsure and let a majority type thing rule if it doesnt fall into one of the above catagories unless admin steps in and says otherwise. we also go by what admin says since they are the boss.


Active Member
Thanx the main one I was concerned with is "No links to competitor or sites that link to them nor other BB sites"
Remember to look
remember to look
remember to look