Foster Failures!!!


Active Member
We have failed! When we took our fostering class they mentioned that when the foster family adopts the foster animals it is called foster failures. But come on, who could pass up these cuties!!!!

OMG they ARE adorable!!! I have ALWAYS wanted to be a foster parent for animals but I think I would be a total failure at it cause I am such a sucker for animals.... They have classes on this kind of thing? When we move to a larger house/lot I would love to do it....


Active Member
BTW the grey one is Fred and the Orange one is Stanley and they are both girls. Have to love letting the kids pick the names.
When we picked them up at the shelter after they were fixed the guy at the shelter highly recommended that we change their names.

Seein, I highly recommend going through your local animal control dhelter for fostering. See if they have a volunteer fostering program. Ours had a short class we went through and they supplied everything and the right stuff also. We did some fostering for some "rescue" shelters and things were not near as smooth.


Active Member
Do you think they call it "foster failure" when a foster family adopts a child? lol, I don't think so....congrats on the new fur kids, enjoy!


I am no foster failure. I would put both of em right in the microwave and set it for an hour. Talk puppies, different story. but those damn cats. WHO CARES/WANTS EM??!!!!!!


Active Member
Ru, just think that their main goal in life right now is to crawl up in your lap, purr and go to sleep.

Keri, well our job was to raise these tykes in a home until they were adoption age and then send them on their way to their new families. So with that definition in mind, we "failed"


That's how we ended up with our third dog. We've fostered many, but we fell in love with her and decided to keep her. Unfortunately it will keep us frombeing able to foster any more in the future (we have too many dogs). But hopefully another family will fill the void we left.