FOTM - Mandarinfish


What about keeping a mandarin with a scooter blenny? We have a 55gallon, stepping up to a 150gallon soon. Oue Scooter is growing like crazy and quite chubby. He also eats prepared food we feed him.


Active Member
A lot of the same species usually do not get along well with each other. Gobies, Clowns, Tangs, Angels, etc for the most part dont wanna be in the tank with another of 'their kind'. I dont know if this holds true for dragonets or not... but I wouldnt doubt it.
Does anybody know for sure ?


Active Member
I keep both,no problems here...just twice the worry about keeping the pod polpulation going.
Thanks for bringing back FOTM..great job on one of my favorite fish Speg!


New Member

Help!! Just recently added Green Mandarin to our 55 gal tank. Didn't last but 2 days. All of our parameters are perfect. Drip accliminated him for 3 hours. He was fine the night we put him in. The next morning we checked and he was being chewed up by our emerald crab. The cleaner shrimp were also picking on him.


Active Member
how skinny was he in the fish store?
I tried a skinny one once to save him, because although i didnt have a big tank, i had tons and tons of pods. Whenever my hermit crabs walked on the live sand, it would literaly look like the sand was moveing. not even joking..... But i tried a skinny one to save her but i guess she was too malnurished. She would literaly just sit there. Literaly sitting in food until she passed
But i know my LFS keeps mandarins in barely any live rock at all and i am yet to see a pod.... she jsut might not have been fed enough to survive.


New Member
Wasn't skinny at all. Have plenty of pods in our tank. Just can't understand why it would just sit there and let a crab chew him up. Seems like it would at least move.


Active Member
i would bet that the mandarin died and the emerald then started chewing on it, i doubt to that she would just let the crab eat it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
i would bet that the mandarin died and the emerald then started chewing on it, i doubt to that she would just let the crab eat it.
Thats a safe bet.


Speg excellent review of the mandarins. I am waiting a bit longer to put one in my 120g. My tank is 120g with 35g fuge/sump. I have lots of pods and huge amphipods. This will be my last fish and I want him to thrive. Thanks for taking the time to write it up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Buzzword
This will be my last fish and I want him to thrive. Thanks for taking the time to write it up.
Great! Good luck when you get one! With your setup im sure it'll do great for many years.
Im glad you liked what I wrote =c) took around 45 minutes or so to come up with the ideas and such, but as long as people like it and use it... 45 minutes well spent I think!


Very beneficial Speg. Thanks!!
Made me realize that I could not support a mandarin and don't need to buy one. Thoughg my LFS told me otherwise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sommergurl
Very beneficial Speg. Thanks!!
Made me realize that I could not support a mandarin and don't need to buy one. Thoughg my LFS told me otherwise.

What kinda setup do you have? Lets see how off your LFS was....


60 gal tank with 75 #'s LR
I have two clowns, a fire shrimp, a hermit, a turbo (need more) and a blenny who eats everything except the algae on the rocks.. he kisses the back glass at least a thousand times a day.
I am very new to this, our tank is about two months old. The LFS came over and set up the tank for us. I am learning as I go. I have them contracted to come out for cleanings so I can watch and eventually do it myself.
Right now I have an algae problem ( I think it is beard alage after lookaing at pics on yahoo) and the guy from the LFS was supposed to come last week to clean the tank and never made it. No show for today too and now he says tomorrow. Needless to say NOTHING else is going in the tank until I can clean it myself without depending on someone else and jeopardizing my fish if they are a no show.
The LFS sold me a test kid and all the parameters have been great. I have been cleaning the skimmer daily and adding the Core-Vital as instructed and PORING over these boards to learn more. The one thing that they did not sell me was a hydrometer and until I read the posts and FAQ I just didn;t realize that my test kit was checking for it ( DUH). SO I got one on my own and the salinity is a little high. So a water change, when he ever gets here, is necessary amd Igather daily changes until it gets corrected. I have been topping off the tank with RO water, for the evaporation, that I bought from the store but am thinking about installing a unit in the house ( another idea that I got from this board). At Lowes the units were only 158.00 bucks and seem well worth the $$$.
Okay, you didn't ask for all my trauma and drama...sorry
I even was so stupid as to throw out the boxes the lights came in so I have n't a clue to figure out what I exactly got. When he comes over I am gettinmg him to tell me everything then I am putting it on Excel, so I have it handy.
Sorry again - I get real worked up over this -


Active Member
Hey dont be sorry about ranting! :p I wish you didnt have to rely on someone else at all. Have you been using RO water this whole time? It REALLY helps the algae problem. Also overfeeding and lack of a good clean up crew makes algae go wild. I think installing a RO unit is not only a good idea.. but a VERY important step to a successful saltwater tank.
If you could describe the lights you have and measure the bulbs and describe their shapes im sure we could tell you exactly what you have =c)