FOTW: Zebrasoma Tangs


Zebrasoma tangs are found in nearly every ocean except the Atlantic Ocean, because temperatures there get too cold for them. Zebrasoma tangs include but are not limited to yellow tangs, sailfin tangs, spotted sailfin tangs, brown sailfin tangs, and purple tangs. Tangs are herbivores and require algae. Many species will eat brine, but in doing so, will not get all the nutrients they need and will quickly develop a sunken belly and will be more susceptible to disease than they already were. Tangs need lots of swimming room. The amount of gallons each fish needs is certainly debatable, and I won’t get into that here, but they need a lot of room as they swim quite a bit.
Tangs have a sharp retractable spine which is used in defense and combat with other tangs. These fish are extremely susceptible to disease. They require excellent water conditions. The water conditions need to remain stable for the well being of the fish. They are not very tolerant of quick temperature changes. Quick variations of pH and temperature will lead to parasites appearing on these fish. .
The yellow tang, Zebrasoma Flavescens, is most commonly found in Hawaii, living in schools in the coral reef. I have kept 2 yellow tangs in the past and have had great luck with them, keeping them for several years each. Other varieties include Zebrasoma scopas (Brown Sailfin Tang), Zebrasoma gemmatum (Spotted Sailfin Tang), and Zebrasoma veliferum (Sailfin Tang).
One of the yellow tangs I kept was named Sunshine. It was a beautiful fish that I purchased from my LFS. I took a long time to acclimate it to insure that there would be no sudden changes for the fish. I had her for over five years. She started out at an inch and a half and was close to six inches, I’d say, when I found her on the carpet in front of the tank one day, she’d gone carpet surfing and there was no bringing her back. I will be getting another yellow tang soon.


Active Member
Well written and informative. I liked how you got the space issue across without settting a definite standard, because no tank is the same, and there is no real determinate. I also liked the pictures.


Loved your write up, very well done.
My sailfin is one of my favorite fish. He is always out front and being a "pet". A very easy keeper also.


I had a brown scopas, was one the first added to one my first tanks and was a great fish. Very hardy and quite good looking IMO, even if it is brown. One of my favourites but I have since had to part with it inorder to accomodate my Blue face.


Active Member
Nice work Cheerflip.:) The only thing I can add is that yellow tangs are pretty territorial once established, and this should be taken into consideration when the order of stocking is planned. Often, they need to be the last fish added. Just my opinion. They seem to love to torture and stress new fish. Again, nice work.:)


Active Member
I have a yellow tang in my 240. I also have a whitecheek that I removed, and placed in another tank so that I could let the yellow settle in. The whitecheek is very aggressive. I placed him back in the 240 just a couple of weeks ago. Even in the 240 there is an occasional spout. Normally the yellow just stays out of the whitecheeks way. The yellow hasn't really bothered any new inhabitants, but he is still very small. I don't have that many good pics as he's camera shy.


Hey Will nice tank, what are the specs?
Also is there any aggresion between longnose BF and YT.


125g/wet dry/seaclone skimmer/110lb LR/csl britelight 2-96w 50/50
5 green chromis
red sea sailfin tang
yellow tang
longnose butterflyfish
bar goby
the longnose and YT actually get along peacefully, hav not seen any aggression so far

tony detroit

Active Member
I'm not too sharp with computers, and would like to attach some pictures of my tangs, could somebody please tell me how to attach my files. It keeps informing me that my file is too big, and I've tried appx 20 different pictures. All help appreciated.


Active Member
what format are theyin?
make sure they are a gif or jpeg
and tehn try, if this does nto work, try resizing them smaller and try again.
If that does not work, email me at