Found 4 Sea Star Hitchikers... What Can I DO For Them?


Active Member
Hi all - my tank is 6 weeks old. 12 gallon, 21lbs of live rock, 15 lbs of live sand;
5 strea snails
5 blue legged hermit crabs
1 camelback shrimp
Here are my parameters:
salinity; 35
sg; 1.025
ammonia; 0
nitrite; 0
temp; 81
my alkalinity test strips are inconsistant, I need to get new ones. Also need to get calcium and phosphate tests, will post when I get them.
just added 2 coral frags on Saturday - 7 shrooms on a gorgeous mango sized rock COVERED in purple coraline thick as icing, and 40+ button polyps on a fist-sized piece of lr.
Thus far I have found 2 asterina stars (identified them through the hitchiker ID thread - THANKS MODS!!!
), and 2 different kinds of brittlestars.
The asterina are out and about a lot - mostly in the darker hours...adorable little things.
The brittle stars always have their tentacle out, but I never see them move from their favorite hidey-holes. I know they're alive b/c they retract their arms when my shrimp or a crab or snail comes by, but I have not seen them move from their perches at all.
The smallest one, the one I discovered first, is cream colored with black stripes - the arms are little more than 5 centimeters in lenth. He is hiding in a hole in the mushroom rock.
The second one is a bit larger, arms are maybe an inch long...maybe... and he is rust colored, also with black bars. He's taken up residence with the button polyps. I can tell where he is b/c he freaks out the polyps he hides under and they close until he moves.
Below are the pix I was able to get - the brittle stars are harder to photograph, i couldnt get ANY of the larger star.
I was planning on getting a star or two eventually - but not 'till my tank is more mature. I'm worried about them being in a tank this new... anyone have any suggestion as to what I might do to up the probability of survival? Can I spot feed them? Should I try to take them out and give them back to the LFS?
:notsure: :help: :help: :notsure:
ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated!!



Active Member
If you throw some meaty food like mysis shrimp in they will probably come out after it. Just turn off all your flow first and watch the stars go nuts. You can try to place a chunk of shrimp/scollop or something net to them also and they will probably grab it from you. This has been my experience with the brittle and serpent variety anyway. Very cool additions Mimzy!


Active Member
Thanx fishmamma!! I'll try that...although...they're sooooooooooooo small. I'll probably have to get a syringe to feed them....would they take teeny pieces of chopped mysid?
Their arms are honestly as long as the dashes

that's the smaller one, heres the larger one

and they're about that thin, too!!


Active Member
I wouldn't worry too much about the size, I think they will pounce on a chunk and eat off bits at atime if it is too large.


Active Member
The seastars are Asterina stars...
The brittlestar is an Ophiactis. Neither get much larger and it is unlikely you'll get the brittlestar to come out. They will be fine on whatever food goes in the tank - they are bacterial film grazers (the seastars) or eat detritus (the brittlestar). NO special care required :)


Active Member
YAY!!! :joy:
Thanx everyone! Thanx Ophi-tophi - I'll make sure to drop some food in their vacinity when I feed the tank. My SG is pretty steady, I'll do my best to keep it where it is for the stars.
I hope they all make it - I can't wait to have hundreds of little asterina gliding about!
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


Am I the only one that saw a lot of Mojano anemones on the rock???
They look like small Bubble Tip Anemones, but spread like Aiptasia and will sting all of the corals. I would look into killing them before they take over the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishnerd
Am I the only one that saw a lot of Mojano anemones on the rock???
They look like small Bubble Tip Anemones, but spread like Aiptasia and will sting all of the corals. I would look into killing them before they take over the tank.
I was wondering this also.....


Active Member
Huh...someone else noticed them also when I was posting about my new corals. They weren't what I was paying for when I bought the rock (it's got 7+ rhodactis on it).
I looked for pix of mojanos - these really don't look too much like 'em, from what I can tell. I really think they're just brown zoos....but....what do I know?

They haven't spread, for now...

What should I do??? :help:


I promise you, they are Majano Anemones. I would use "Joe's Juice". It is very effective at killing them.
Be forewarned, if you let them go, they will overtake your tank within 6 months.


Active Member
asterina stars multiply fairly rapidly, and around here the lfs will give all you care to take home with you for free. As they find them they drop them n the fuge'.....or toss em, in the trash can, which ever is closer at the time.....Everyone around my area calls em parasitic stars, and there is a lot of mixed views on them, about like bristle worms.......some folks like em others despise em.......


Active Member
Yeah, about 96% of the negative reports, IMO, are hype - not experience. Lots of negative hype. :(
Perhaps 4% of people actually have issues with these stars - its not all that common, so far as I can tell. Of that it is like 1 % SPS corals, 1% soft corals, and 2% just eating too much coralline.


Active Member
but...but....they're so preeeeeeeetty!!!! :jumping:
They dump them in the TRASH??? Sheesh...LEAST they could do if they REALLY didn't like them would be to put them down properly. :mad:
I don't mind them at all. There's only 2 of them for now - I know other people who have HUNDREDS and they love them. They do eat the coraline, but they also help SPREAD it. My LR is looking more and more purple by the day...I only put that delicious purple covered rock in my tank 3 days ago and I can already see new growth popping up everywhere.
Asterinas are AWESOME!

(does anyone else hate that stupid banana?)


Active Member
We offered it up in exchange for getting some others back (I miss the "yes" guy for example). But at least we got rolleyes back...and the shrug guy is pretty useful too.