Found a Bristle worm


Active Member
Well tonight while playing ps2 online I was looking at my tank n i found a bristle worm about 1-2 inches at the bottom. I dont know rather to be happy or mad. I think I want him out.... What are some methods I should use??


Active Member
just stand there for about 30 seconds and he will be gone again..........
they are not coral eating monsters that should be killed on site...they are very effective bottom feeders. Show him mercy


Active Member
yeah I was thinking id leave him but if thers another one I dont want them to start breeding.. and arent that assexualy too


Active Member
I think for every One you see, theres 30 more down in the rockwork and buried in the sand. I wouldnt worry and sorry to break it to you but they ALREADY have been breeding.
I wouldnt worry unless you find a large one (over 3inch) beyond the 3 inch mark Imight assign Fuge dudy.


Active Member
i was worried about them at first and everyone on here told me they was good so i left them, now there is a ton of them in my tank and it has been going around 6 months if that.


Active Member
hmm ok thanks. I had been looking for some and finally found one last night lol. Me and my friend were playig Cal Of Duty 3 online and I looked over and seen it and go happy and told him about he was like you and dan that damn fish tank you are so wierd haha


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I wouldnt worry unless you find a large one (over 3inch) beyond the 3 inch mark Imight assign Fuge dudy.
I have a fairly large one 6-10 inches. Why should I put it in the fuge? Just curious.


Active Member
Does anyone have a picture? I think i have some. I see them between the sand and glass, and then later I just see there track. They are pretty small at this point, so I haven't done anything about it.
Does anything eat them?