Found a crab!! Fish/Polyp Killer after all these months??


Active Member
Well i caught my emerald two days ago because i swore it was eating my polyps and zoo's. I put it into my intank refuge(the prision).
Then at 12pm i was looking at the pods, brittleworms and unknown worms which i thought was a stalk of macro algae. All of a sudden, a white crab pops out of no where, grabs that worm that looked like a stalk of macro algae, shoved it into its mouth and ate it!!
I quickly grabed it and put into the intank refuge with the emerald. it was easier then catching the emerald because it did not attach its legs to the rocks like the emerald.
The only rocks i have put into the tank that would be huge enough for that crab to hide in was the rocks i used to cycle the tank... since Jan!!!! My chromsis(3) and my firefish went missing or found dead on the floor since i set up my tank.
Well im guessing my polyps were eaten by the emerald, i think that crab attacked/spooked/killed my missing fishes.
I do not have a photo right now, i will post it asap when i can. It looks similar to an emerald crab except smaller and looks more an emerald except it is has a vanilla colored body with dark brown spots on its shell and on its legs. Its arms are white except the pinchers are darkbrown and its sharp, not blunted like an emerald.


Active Member
similar to it.... but mines looks pretty aggressive. I'll try posting a pic by the end of the day


ye it couldnt be a porcelin crab, they r reef safe and have barely any use for there claws. try and get a pic like u sed. how big is the crab?


Is he covered in little spikey hairs?I had a big one(50 cent piece size) that just chilled out in the day and went foraging after the lights were out.Not only did he eat/kill certain things he began to burrow all over the tank and toppled over several pieces of rock.


wow.. that crab looks like it wants to crack the glass and get to you!!


Active Member
"Banded Clinging Crab, Mithrax cinctimanus in residence in a Condylactis gigantea that its commensal with. "
this is the one im guessing, any info on that?
jumping at me?!?! i fear NOTHING!!


entice - you find out exactly what it is and you win a cookie.
I had the same fella in my tank for nearly 3 years, we called him "muscle beach dude" he hid alot on us only prefering to come out at night but the pic you have is defenatly him.
IME he loves some nori fed to him, he never harmed a thing in my tank at least not while I was watching him with the red flashlight.
Now I'm goona go back and look at that website.



Originally posted by entice59
"Banded Clinging Crab, Mithrax cinctimanus in residence in a Condylactis gigantea that its commensal with. "
this is the one im guessing, any info on that?
jumping at me?!?! i fear NOTHING!!

Entice - here is a better pic of the Banded Clinging Crab, I don't think this is the one that we or you have.


Entice - based on the one that I have had for nearly three years and he looks exactly the same as the one you have, I would leave him in the main. If yours is anything like mine he will find a hole and mostley come out at night. He does like little strips of nori and will take it greedily.
Not all critters act the same so keep one eye on him. The left one. ;)