Found a tank!!!!!!!


New Member
ok guys let me know what you think. I found a 300 gallon reef tank already established and complete. he says the protein skimmer alone is worth 3 g's. I havnt checked it out yet but was wondering if this is too big for my first saltwater tank. He selling it for 900! I want an agressive tank so i would have to ditch the fish he has now but whatta u guys think? when i go to check it out what should i look for?


New Member
I can tell you that a 300 gal acrylic tank alone will cost you $1600-$2000. I try not to think about how much I've spent, but assume it to be somewhere in the $8k range. (don't tell my wife)
If you can get a complete setup for $900, you better get it!


New Member
Should i buy it(if in good condition) and worry about converting it to my liking later? I figure if i end up not wanting it i could always sell it for more.


New Member
I was asking myself the same question 9 months ago. I found a used acrylic 300 that was not too bad. It had a few scratches, but they can be polished out. The big thing for me was that he was running a wet dry system which I didn't want. I wanted a closed system. (don't ask why. No basis) So the only thing salvagable out of the deal was the tank which "wasn't new" and I'm kind of a freak that way. So I opted to purchase everything new, a decision which I don't regret, but was certainly more expensive in the long run. Based on my experience, if the bulk of the system is what you would buy anyway, then it's probably a good buy for you. If on the other hand you're saying to yourself, "...I'll just change that, but a new one of those, replace that, find another way to do that...etc,etc" Then you should probably keep looking, or just bite the bullet and support your local fish store. One more thought...If you don't break the bank to begin with, then you might be able to afford some of the other niceties like controllers etc.


New Member
thats exactly what i was thinking. well im gonna go over tommorow and take a look at it. he said he would give he his fish and everything. anyways what should i look for when imm over there tommorow


New Member
can you guys start throwing out some ideas for fish to put in here. I know i want a lion and a puffer if puffer what else i need ideas?
Wes, didn't you say it was a reef system? Well, you can never put aggressive fish in a reef tank, the fish will eat everything.By what I mean everything, they will eat all the little things on the rock, and cleanup crews. I'd just keep the fish he has(if they look good). Or don't buy it and get another tank with aggressive fish. Your call.


New Member
Yea i guess your right. it justseemed a really good deal. How far do u think i could get with about a grand if i went with a smaller tank?


New Member
Wes, I'm not sure what you could get for $1k. This much I know.....if you have a tight budget at all, a 300 is not the way to go. I went into this full well expecting to spend in excess of $10k over the course of the first year. I actually have done fairly well against my budget, but everything is expensive when the tank is that big.


New Member
how am i going to spend 10k? the tank comes with everything i need i know there is maintinence but it cant possiblt cost that much.


it sounds like an awesome deal to me. even if it had problems it would still be a steal. Does the tank have a lot of LR and corals? If it is a good reef system, the lighting alone could cost that.
Plus, if you get an loder tank, you dont have to go thru the set-up process like you would with a new set-up. But.... how you gonna move it?
[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]


New Member
they guy says it has about 500 pounds worth of live rock and corals. I wish i could find somone in my area to go with me or at least call the guy to see if the equipment is good. anyone in san diego wanna help me out?????


Active Member
Here's an idea Wes,
If you are still considering buying this 300 tank, go see it, write everything down on paper, tell the guy you need to discuss it with some friends, and come back to this board with the spec's on the tank.
Top Ten Things To Look For
1) Tank condition, scratches and obviously any signs of damage/leaks. Look underneath it too.
2) Lighting - what manufacturer and type, MH, powercompact, VHO, wattage, etc.
3) Filtration - what's it got, power filters, wet/dry, sump, pumps, etc ?
3) Stand - will he include the stand ?
4) Powerheads - how many and what type ?
5) Live rock - how many pounds and what condition
6) Corals - up to you if you keep them or sell them off - all depends
7) Fish - how many, size and type
8) Heater - size and watts
9) Protein Skimmer - I'd be interested in hearing about a $3,000 skimmer ?
10) General health of all inhabitants - does it look like a kick ass tank, healthy animals and clean ... or is it a mess ?
After you get some more info - I'm sure folks on this board will give you some really good advise on whether or not to proceed. Tell the guy to hang loose for a couple days, and you'll get back to him.
Brian ;)


New Member
i will do that. I am also going to look at a 75 gal acrilic which everyone is saying would be a good size for me to start with. It comes with a oak stand and hood and i think im gonna get it for 250 good deal?


wes: ok if the tank is in good condition BUY IT!!! then if you decide you want a aggressive tank instead you can sell all the "reef stuff" and probable make back most of you money maybe more (depending how well stocked the reef is)...then you end up with a 300 gal tank for FREE!!!


New Member
if i decide to go with the 75 gal what would be a good line up for livestock. I know i want a lion for sure. What else would go well in a 75 gal?


Wes, the bigger the tank the better. That is one hell of a deal for a 300g. As justchillin said, sell all corals and inverts to a LFS. I started w/ a 75g and got a bigger tank 6 months later. After while you'll regret not getting a bigger tank. I have a 125g. and almost wish I had something bigger. TJ


If you want aggressive fish, go with the 300 gallon because they tend to be messy fish and need a stable system. Keep the liverock, sell the corals and other inverts like cleanup crews if he has them. (you could prob'ly make a bit of $ from them).
With a 300 you could get a puffer, a few triggers (The best would be huma, niger, clown), a lion, an eel, etc. Fighting won't be as much of a problem with a big tank either. That sounds like a real deal, provided everything looks good.