Found big problem please help


Active Member
I just bought another used 55 gal tank because it came with a really nice stand and canopy. The price was right. I lady I got it from said all her fish died all of a sudden but she had not done any water changes in a while. As I was cleaning out the crushed coral to give it a good cleaning. I found a broken thermomiter. The part with the red stuff in it however is broke at the top but there was no hole and I dont think any leaked out. It looks like one of the ones that float in the tank. What is the stuff on the bottom of them its black looks like mercury but I am not sure. Provided I clean this tank really well is it safe to use. I was going to give the other 55 gal to my brother so he can start a swf tank. Also it came with a skimmer it is a aquac urchin. Dose anyone have this and is it better than the seaclone 150 that I have for the other tank.


That stuff is probably just the little rocks that are used to float the thermometer. With that said, it is not worth the risk and cc sucks anyway. I would replace it all.


I had the same thing happen to one of mine. I think your talking about the little metal balls in the tip. They are harmless and since they dont use mecury anymore for them its not a problem. Or so it was explained to me.


Active Member
Yeah I figured they are lead pelletts. But with good cleanings over the corse of the next few weeks or so can it be used. I know to scrap the crushed coral. I was going with sand anyway. It did come with alot of dead coral that is real nice pieces. I was thinking about boiling them and useing 2 pieces. That just look cool. I cant fit much with the live rock but those will go in if possible. Also 1 more question can you fit a nove extreme pro 48'' in a canopy or do I need a retro fit kit I will take the internal dims of the canopy soon just to see. Even if I have to buy another 55 gal tank. I still have the stand and canopy.

aztec reef

Active Member
You should be able to fit the 48 fixture in the canopy.
The question is, does your canopy have at least 48" of room?
Is the canopy tall enough to house the fixture without the lights being too close to water?


Active Member
The crushed coral is not going back in the tank. I wanted too use sad but I did pick out some cool shells and stuff that was in it. And the canopy after I put it back on it is 48 3/4'' long X 13.5'' Wide X 5 1/4'' Tall. I dont know waht the dims are on the nova extreme pro. Therefore I dont know if it will fit. I also have a glass top.


Originally Posted by robertmathern
The crushed coral is not going back in the tank. I wanted too use sad but I did pick out some cool shells and stuff that was in it. And the canopy after I put it back on it is 48 3/4'' long X 13.5'' Wide X 5 1/4'' Tall. I dont know waht the dims are on the nova extreme pro. Therefore I dont know if it will fit. I also have a glass top.
the nova extreme pro 48" the dimensions are as follows 48"x12"x4.25" .

aztec reef

Active Member
Not tall enough, u only have about an " of clearance.
Plus the glass cover will decrease surface repiration,
Plus. It will promote overheating, high evaporation.ect.
Well, it depends on wattage.
U may get by installing a couple small computer-style fans in canopy


Active Member

Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Not tall enough, u only have about an " of room.
Plus the glass cover will decrease surface repiration, overheating, high evaporation.

I'd save the canopy for later and just run the nova with legs or hang it from the ceiling or wall (via brackets)
Originally Posted by T316

Thank you socal57chevy

Thanks for the extra letters. Mods say that I have to start over if I want the "vy" added to my username. I relish my post count, even if I do spend a LOT of time in the aquarium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che

Thanks for the extra letters. Mods say that I have to start over if I want the "vy" added to my username. I relish my post count, even if I do spend a LOT of time in the aquarium.

I think most people, like me, catch the reference. I wouldn't start over...


Active Member
Cool I will use the urchin then. I will also have to build a new sump. I dont like the wet dry system that came with the tank. And I sold the whole other setup to my brother. He should be taking it home with him today. But building that sump was simple. So building another wont be bad either.