Found out my tank isn't actually 29 gal...


LFS sold me a Biocube and told me it was 29 gallons. Brought home 30 gal of RO H2O, and after filling the tank I have about 7 gal of water left over. Checked my manual and went to Oceanic Systems website, they call it a "Size 29 Biocube." It gives the dimensions of the entire setup (tank and canopy), but nowhere in there does it mention the capacity in gal. I am so upset! I think the LFS owner should be able to look at a tank and guestimate how much h2o it will hold--I mean, really, they look at tanks all damn day! I feel like I've been deceived by both lfs and Oceanic Systems! Why the heck would they call it a size 29 if it doesn't hold 29g, and none of the dimensions include the number 29.

I don't know whether I should call lfs or write a gripe letter to Oceanic, but I feel I need to let somebody know that I'm not a satisfied customer. Any advice on what I should do? I've decided I'll be using a different lfs from now on.

I know, it'll still be a beautiful tank when I'm done with it, I just won't be able to do as much with it as I originally planned on doing with it (about 10 gal less!)


what substrate did you put in the tank and any LR all of this will make the tank hold less water. The 29 gallon is an empty tank nothing in it.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
what substrate did you put in the tank and any LR all of this will make the tank hold less water. The 29 gallon is an empty tank nothing in it.
I haven't added anything but water. I was mixing the water and Tropic Marin before I added anything else. It seems like the front part of the tank holds about 20 g and the 3 part wet/dry filter assembly/pump/etc seems to hold 2 or 3 gal. Nothing in that whole setup has the ability to hold 29 gal of anything!


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Hey local AZ neighbor.
Which store did you go to?
Hey there! I got the tank from Ocean Arts Aquariums in Ahwatukee. I advise going to About the Reef in Tempe.


Originally Posted by Cwazy Clow
salt also displaces water. but 7g is a lil much.
I put straight h2o in before I added the salt


Originally Posted by hot883
Take the LxWxH=____ then divide by 231. That will give you the total gallons.
The dimensions given by the manual and the website include the canopy too, but they do not indicate that. Using the above formula I would have a 34 point something tank and I would be a happy camper. However, once you measure just the glass portion of the aquarium setup, it becomes significantly less. And I become significantly less happy.


Mine held about 22 gallons with 15 lbs of live rock and 2 inches of live sand. I was pretty satisfied with the result.


Active Member
The gallonage.. is always just an estimate..It very rarely is right...My 29 holds 26 gal of just water and my 92 holds big deal..(Atleast I didnt think so)