found penny in my tank


I was looking behind some of the rock work in my tank yesterday and found a penny that looks as if it's been in there a while. As mad as it made me to find it I was almost happy. I use the "happy" word loosley. I've been having trouble with my set up for the past 6 months and never could figure out why. All of my parameters tested out ok with the exception of my pH and calcium but I think this was due to the way I was mixing water for changes. I think I've been adding the salt to fast but that's been fixed.
Could this penny be why I've had trouble keeping inverts for the past 6 months? Could this be why some of my hardier corals have been on a downward spiral? Is my tank ruined for life now?


Yes, It was probably leaching out that harmful stuff hurting your inverts. How do you think it got in there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vanos
. How do you think it got in there?

Do you have kids? I do, and recently I found a little silver ball (like the kind used in those marble mazes) in my tank.


Active Member
I found a nice 4 inch rusty nail in mine. I know it had to come from crushed coral the store used that set up my tank. The coral was in a bucket and not in bags. It was probably used coral they scooped from somwhere and grabbed a nail when they did. Glad that store is out of business now!
Anyway, I'm not sure if your tank is ruined for life but it doesn't sound good. I guess products like Prime and Amquel which are supposed to remove heavy metals wouuldn't work? :notsure: Like I said, I had a large rusty nail in mine and my tank is ok but your case is a little different because of the copper.


The penny is bad. if it was in there long i would assume it leeched copper into the tank. You may have to tear down the whole system and start over again. Getting rid of copper can be a real pain. I personally would put all the livestock into a temporary container and replace all the water live rock and sand to make sure its all gone. There may be another way, but to be sure there is no more copper i think this is the safest option. Do a few searches on "penny" and see if you get any results. you may find an easier option.


Originally Posted by KOgle
I was looking behind some of the rock work in my tank yesterday and found a penny that looks as if it's been in there a while. As mad as it made me to find it I was almost happy. I use the "happy" word loosley. I've been having trouble with my set up for the past 6 months and never could figure out why. All of my parameters tested out ok with the exception of my pH and calcium but I think this was due to the way I was mixing water for changes. I think I've been adding the salt to fast but that's been fixed.
Could this penny be why I've had trouble keeping inverts for the past 6 months? Could this be why some of my hardier corals have been on a downward spiral? Is my tank ruined for life now?

I would test for copper, before tearing everything apart.


I have a hard time buying that a penny is gonna ruin a tank period, I can see it happen and leach out copper if the ph is way low, but if ph is where it should be then no its not going to hurt a thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rusting
I would test for copper, before tearing everything apart.

I second that.


Active Member
i would test to i collect coins and unless it is pre 1982 the copper content is just a thin coating with a zinc core if it is older the copper content is much higher and so is the chance of releasing copper


there is some stuff i saw at my LFS that is specialy made to get copper out of tanks. carbon works to
i seriously doubt that your tank is ruined now. everything is fixible just get your water tested for copper and we can start there. with everyone on this fourm site we will get your tank fixed. keep us posted


Based on some bad advise from an "experienced" friend I did a copper treatment to get rid of some worms in my early days. It killed my lr and made a desert out of my tank. I only had shrimp for inverts at the time and moved them out to the qt. After a month I added more live rock on over three or so months everything has recovered. Basicly aquicultured my dead rock back to life. Worm died but a pistol shrimp I didn't know was there accually survived the copper.


From what I found out today if copper is indeed in the tank it can be taken care of with a product called poly filter. It is a treated filter media bat that is made to absord varoiius compounds and elements. Yu can tell what is being removed by the color the filter bat changes to. If it changes to blue it is removing copper. It changes color for other components. Unfortunately once its in there is a need to run a filter for it all the time, as it can take years and years for it to all be removed once in live rock but it is by no means a death sentence for the tank or its critters..


High quality carbons adsorb dissolved organic material out of your aquarium water removing odors and discolorations as well as copper and some other metals. Provides a healthier environment for your fish.


There is a product called Poly Filter. It's a 4"x8" Pad that you can put in your filter by cutting to any size.It removes copper,Ammonia,metals and phospates.etc. It turns blue if you have copper in the tank. I run a half piece of this all the time in my 12 gal.nano.


I know one thing they cost more to make then they're worth,but could be worth a tank if it causes problems.