found some live rock, can i use it?


well, did you ever get a picture of the rock? i would like to see it. i'm with you though except, it would be in my tank, or me in jail.


Heres an easy test, If everyone that you loved and respected was watching you would you still do it? If so then go for it , if not then you have your answer. I would make sure you check local laws. It's best to err on the side of caution in this hobby!!!!!


i have a picture of me carying it from afar,but you cant really see it that well. and yes even if the world was watching i would have taken it. the only reason we didnt bring it back was because of the risk involved.


I think people are just jealous that you got a chance to get a good deal on a 40lbs rock. Thats why they didnt want you to take it.


Active Member
mckaax - us jealous over LR found ?!?! Get real ! Hawaii has their laws taking livestock and rock from their reefs. You have to learn to respect the laws of their state because most reefs worldwide are in danger. No, this is not a dream, it reality ! I, too worry about reefs worldwide being long gone for our future generations to enjoy. Leave them alone in Hawaiian waters !!! Kids ...