Found the cause of my mysterious deaths...


As some of you know, I've mysteriously lost 3 fish over the last few months. I was never able to pinpoint how they died and I never recovered 2/3 bodies. I had my guesses, but could never be sure. After not losing anything else in the tank and not figuring out what the problem was, I started stocking it again. Well, I lost another fish tonight and I figured out where they've been going. I came home and noticed that I didn't see my desjardinii sailfin and also noticed that one of my anemone was very swollen. I didn't think much of it until later when I got home. I added a pink cucumber to the tank and was looking at it closely and that is when I realized why the anomone was so swollen. One of my damn BTA's has been having hundred dollar fish dinners.... heh. So, I am down like $400 in fish and have an $80 anemone that I am probably going to have to trade to the pet store for like a $20 credit. Blah. At least now I know what has been happening and can start restocking again.
Moral of the story: Be careful with your anemones. heh


Active Member
a 6" bta would have a hard time eating a healthy fish i would think. i have an 8" bta and it doesn't eat any of mine.


Active Member
I doubt it is a bubble tip, any pics of it? Most likely you have a Condi which is certainly capable of eating fish.


It is most certainly a BTA and most certainly ate the fish. I could feel the fish within its stomach. heh