Found this on eBay....Would you try it?


It sounds like the gizmos they sold in the seventies during the gas crunch. You put it on your fuel line & it increased your gas mileage. Hmmmm........Didn't buy one then either.
Actually there has been alot of talk about these things lately.I have NO personal experience with it.I do have some serious doubts it can dowhat it says it does though.I checked out there web site and it gave me a good BEWARE!


Active Member
After reading the description of how this thing is supposed to work ..... no I would not buy it.
After reading the info on their website, and in the ---- add, I felt compelled to break down a buy one, despite the lack of sentence structure (I tend to not let little things like that bother me). :rolleyes:
The logic of breaking down particles via magnets, and then keeping those same particles suspended and vulnerable, is perfectly sound, and has been in use for decades.
Have any of you ever seen those huge magnets that are wrapped around pipes..? Well, they are there for the very same reasons.
Thanks for the heads up on this nifty item, I can't wait till it arrives next week! :D
The seller (Alex
) and I just spoke on the phone for about 45 minutes, and he seems like a very knowledgable guy. It even turns out, that we personally know some of the same folks in the kayaking community... Small world ehhh..? ;)


Active Member

Originally posted by CrustyTheClown
After reading the info on their website, and in the ---- add, I felt compelled to break down a buy one, despite the lack of sentence structure (I tend to not let little things like that bother me). :rolleyes:
The logic of breaking down particles via magnets, and then keeping those same particles suspended and vulnerable, is perfectly sound, and has been in use for decades.
Have any of you ever seen those huge magnets that are wrapped around pipes..? Well, they are there for the very same reasons.
Thanks for the heads up on this nifty item, I can't wait till it arrives next week! :D
The seller (Alex) and I just spoke on the phone for about 45 minutes, and he seems like a very knowledgable guy. It even turns out, that we personally know some of the same folks in the kayaking community... Small world ehhh..? ;)

Let us know what you think of it when you get it. You never know and I hope it does what you expect. :)
This is probably the easiest way in which to describe this technology:
  • Start with (2) 5-gallon buckets
  • Add a 1# dirt clog to one bucket, and 1# of fine powered dirt to the other one.
  • Fill each bucket with equal amounts of water.
    Stir each bucket for 10 minutes.
    Pump the contents of each bucket through a closed looped including a micron filter, for 15 minutes.
    After mixing, stiring and filtering; compare the water and mud contents in the 2 buckets, to see which is more clear.
This is probably the most elementary example of the principles that can be applied to this technology.

tony detroit

Active Member
If they work so good then answer these questions for me...
1. Why do they have ZERO dealer network anywhere. Nowhere else to buy them but from the manufacturer. No catalogs and no fish stores and no other websites other than their own.
2. If they really did work everybody and their brother would have one
3. Why is the guy selling it on ---- if it works so good?
4. I work in the environmental business. I've been to countless plants, wastewater treatment facilities, industrial and residential. Where have you seen magnets on pipes? Maybe I've just missed them for some reason. All I ever see on pipes are heating wire, insulation, cooling wire, and various other devices for pressure and temp.. I have yet to see magnets on a pipe.
Spray some windex in your water! It works great.
If they work so good then answer these questions for me...
1. Why do they have ZERO dealer network anywhere. Nowhere else to buy them but from the manufacturer. No catalogs and no fish stores and no other websites other than their own.
Because they are a brand new company, with only 1 product -- They are advertised in all of the major magazines though!
2. If they really did work everybody and their brother would have one
Again, it's because it is a brand new company, with a brand new product!
3. Why is the guy selling it on ---- if it works so good?
4. I work in the environmental business. I've been to countless plants, wastewater treatment facilities, industrial and residential. Where have you seen magnets on pipes? Maybe I've just missed them for some reason. All I ever see on pipes are heating wire, insulation, cooling wire, and various other devices for pressure and temp.. I have yet to see magnets on a pipe.
Magnets are generally placed in the middle of long runs of water pipe, near other fittings and valves.
Spray some windex in your water! It works great.
Hey, that's witty -- Did you come up with this on your own..? :rolleyes:

tony detroit

Active Member

The logic of breaking down particles via magnets, and then keeping those same particles suspended and vulnerable, is perfectly sound, and has been in use for decades.


It say's he is the care taker of the Houston Zoo, but he is listed in North Carolina:confused: I lived in NC for 3 years, & I don't remember there being a Houston:rolleyes:

Originally posted by VAVOOM
It say's he is the care taker of the Houston Zoo, but he is listed in North Carolina:confused: I lived in NC for 3 years, & I don't remember there being a Houston:rolleyes:

Let me help you out on this...
The way sentances are jumbled together, does make it a bit difficult to follow. Although if you took to time to read the ECO-Aqualizer website before knocking the add or product, you would have realized this quickly.
I also had many discussions with Nelson Herwig, curator of fishes at the Houston Zoo
, about the effects of magnetic flux on water molecules which is a subject that he is extremely well versed on. "
What I had once considered new age mumbo jumbo actually held scientific relevance. Besides my job as caretaker of the 4,000 gallon reef ecosystem at the Houston Zoo, I also own an aquarium installation and maintenance company."


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
4. I work in the environmental business. I've been to countless plants, wastewater treatment facilities, industrial and residential. Where have you seen magnets on pipes? Maybe I've just missed them for some reason. All I ever see on pipes are heating wire, insulation, cooling wire, and various other devices for pressure and temp.. I have yet to see magnets on a pipe.

Actually, there are water softener products that use nothing but magnets on the water pipes. This is not new and has been around for several years.
As you are so intent on busting Crusty's chops, I thought I would at least answer one of your questions for you. I'm not saying the water softener works or this product works either, but magnets on pipes do exist and have been selling in the water softner business.


Just stick with what works... If and when this product is proven to work, it will be in big demand.. Often what sounds to good to be true, usually is..

tony detroit

Active Member
you guys were right, these things work great, I mean really who would have though about how good magnets can work.
My version is homemade, but it works great. I'll build anyone one for $130 plus shippping.
WOW -- Did they teach you how to do that at the "workshop"..? You must be the coolest kid on the SHORT BUS! eek:
What's next week's project, popsicle stick napkin holders..? :rolleyes: