Found Turtle, What to do?


Following your reasoning(tthemadd1)..I know how to take care of live rock,and my corals and fish,i know what to feed them,and there specific needs.JacknJill(sorry to mention you in this
) Didnt know what kind of turtle it was,what it eats,or its housing needs..what would you suggest to him/her???


Active Member
HAHAHA!! F1shman, you have a lot of room to talk. You really don't know, do you? Why don't you post a pic of your tank real quik........ See what everybody thinks.


You assume..wrong...(ferry is a nickname from friends,not FAIRY...but FERRY,like the boat)and i have no idea what in the hell you mean by kitty thing...anyways....
Lets move along pple the turtle was put back were it belongs,so the original poster did what he new was right.


Active Member
im a she, and who cares? its just a turtle. and my neighbor said that it was some kind of water turtle. so everybody just drop it