Four day old tank. What do you think?


New Member
ok, I set up my tank Monday(with a lot of help from my friend Dave) thanks Dave. It has 40lb live sand, 60lb base rock, and only 7lb live rock. Cycling tank w/shrimp. I will be adding approximately 70-80lb's live rock over the next month, then fish. I guess what I'm asking is whats it look like like so far. Please be honest. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


If you add uncured LR (or shipped LR) to your tank (especially in quantities around 80 lbs) you're tank will go through another "cycle" so the sooner you add the better (if you're planning on the LR to jump start the cycle)


New Member

Originally posted by Hiddenicon
my tank has been set up for about 2 months. If i wanna add more live rock should i do it slowly?

I am told the sooner you add rock, and the more, the better. lfs said that.


Remember you can never move to slow...the better established a tank is before adding anything liveing the better you are off. Good luck with the tank.
When your doing your Aquascaping try to stay away from the tradition "Wall" look, natural reefs are not constructed in this manner and you want somthing that is going to set your tank apart from all the others.


are you getting your LR locally and is it "precured"? If so, adding it won't be a problem once you have your cycle completed. The problem with adding tons of shipped or uncured LR to your tank after the cycle is over is that it could cause it to cycle again, killing any livestock you might have in your tank.
If you're planning on adding shipped LR to your tank, I would use it to jump start your cycle and add it now.


New Member

Originally posted by Coxy101
are you getting your LR locally and is it "precured"? If so, adding it won't be a problem once you have your cycle completed. The problem with adding tons of shipped or uncured LR to your tank after the cycle is over is that it could cause it to cycle again, killing any livestock you might have in your tank.
If you're planning on adding shipped LR to your tank, I would use it to jump start your cycle and add it now.

nope, getting it from lfs. he has cured good looking lr, and i'm going with him. good idea right?


New Member

Originally posted by wocka
i want to get that same light fixture for my 20g. what size is ur tank?

92 gallon.


New Member

Originally posted by Coxy101
Yep - that's fine then. Great looking tank!
What do ya think you're going to put in it?:happy:

3 cromies, 1 clown, then I have no idea. what do you think?


Depends - are you planning on a reef in the future or fish only.
If you're going reef in the future --- the 3 chromis and clownfish (how 'bout 2) will do great. How about some type of tang? Yellow perhaps? Or purple firefish gobies - I have 2 and they're pretty cool to watch.
I love flame angels, but I guess it's hit or miss if they are reef safe.:)


New Member

Originally posted by Coxy101
Depends - are you planning on a reef in the future or fish only.
If you're going reef in the future --- the 3 chromis and clownfish (how 'bout 2) will do great. How about some type of tang? Yellow perhaps? Or purple firefish gobies - I have 2 and they're pretty cool to watch.
I love flame angels, but I guess it's hit or miss if they are reef safe.:)

I'm so glad you said that, yellow tang is my favorit fish. I want to go reef definately. I want a yellow tang down the road, but my wife wants a regal tang. Can they co-exist? the fire-fish are cool also. what is too much for a 92gal?

big slick

go huge and get 'em all!! Thanks for the dig thermom, it's a spiffy little device. I would be down to trade you fish for fish down the road if you are interested in one of our clowns.....our dominant one has now found both of our new anemones, and won't let the other clown into either one of them....chases him off.......any suggestions out there....??? darn hog of a clown!