FOWLR 24's or agressive cube owners


Active Member
Does anyone have anything interesting in cubes other than reefs or a mantis??? I am trying to do something different, I was thinking a frog fish but was wondering if anyone else had any other good ideas. I already have a 60g full reef tank so no other reef ideas, unless its really good


I do..
I have a Green Spotted Puffer that has been in full marine for a few months and I gave him his own tank. It's FOWLR I have a Chalk Bass and Engineer Goby in it also. I was thinking of an alternate stock list that went like this. Green Spotted Puffer, Chalk Bass, Snowflake Eel. In the end though I thought an eel would just be so boarder line cramped that I thought engineer gobies a totally better alternative. I was also thinking of a Frog or Scorpion Fish. I didn't want to do a reef either and I am glad I went with this setup. It is unique and I think I will have a lot of fun with it. I was like you though, wanted a nano but not the run of the mill nano. My thinking is, if I am going to sink that much $$$ into a tank with all those corals, it will be a big display tank with some awesome fish. Hope that helps and keep us updated


Active Member
I saw your thread but there is no way I would keep ANY puffer in a 24g. It's just too small. I think I am leaning toward one of the angler family fish.