FOWLR lighting question.


So I'm starting my 65g tank on mon. I just got the light set up yesterday it is 120volts 40watts and 60hz will this work for a FOWLR set up? I got the tank as a gift light included so not sure if the this will work. no writing on the light itself that I could see so not sure if the numbers pertain to the light or the housing?


Active Member
Just about anything will work on a FOWLR. 40 watts is the standard for a 48" fixture and I'm guessing you have a 55 gal. Try it, but I think you'll find you want more light. If you are handy and on a budget, its easy to make a canopy for your tank using a Wal-Mart shop light, under $10 and it uses 2 40 watt tubes. I'd get one standard aquarium tube and one actinic blue.


I have a 65g and yeah it fits really well, as for wanting more light is that to help the tank or just for looks. What would a standard aquarium light be, and I havent heard or the actinic blue would this be similar to a moon light?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mony97
I have a 65g and yeah it fits really well, as for wanting more light is that to help the tank or just for looks. What would a standard aquarium light be, and I havent heard or the actinic blue would this be similar to a moon light?

No, actinic is stronger than a moonlight. But not necessary for fish only tanks. Moonlighs would be nice for your set up as well. It prevents fin nipping, lots of fights go on after dark.


Okay, so I dont need the actinic light necessarily what would the benifit be of having one in a FOWLR if any, and for the moon light can you buy it as that or is in know as something else cause anything to prevent fighting or to help deter it would be great. Last what would be good to pair with a moon light then to have a good day time light and than moon beem for the night, just the 40watt as srfisher recommended?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mony97
Okay, so I dont need the actinic light necessarily what would the benifit be of having one in a FOWLR if any, and for the moon light can you buy it as that or is in know as something else cause anything to prevent fighting or to help deter it would be great. Last what would be good to pair with a moon light then to have a good day time light and than moon beem for the night, just the 40watt as srfisher recommended?

Well, when my Hippo Tang swims in the line of light from the actinic, it looks great..the blue color really pops under actinic. However when the clowns go in the light they look aweful because the are orange.
Actinic are for coral, if you have blue fish, they will make them look nicer. Moonlights are great to help prevent fish fighting in the night. It also allows you to watch the tank at night, if you have live rock...lots of things come out in the dark and it is cool to watch.
You can get a full strip of moonlights for about $40.00 or individual ones for about $30.00 each.
Also, just because you have standard lights does not mean you can't have corals. There are lots of really beautiful coral that does not require strong lights. I am attatching two pictures of a coral reef with nothing but regular lighting.



Wow great pics I never knew that you could keep corals with regular lighting, although I dont want to do a full reef tank I would love to have some coral to mix things up. What types of coral work best in these conditions? Also full strip? is that just two of the lights or the light and housing together for $40?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mony97
Wow great pics I never knew that you could keep corals with regular lighting, although I dont want to do a full reef tank I would love to have some coral to mix things up. What types of coral work best in these conditions? Also full strip? is that just two of the lights or the light and housing together for $40?

They have them for smaller tanks, mine are 48" Long up to 72" . A tiny moonlight every 1 inch. Here is a is made by Hammilton. Pictures are not the best, but you get an idea of what they are.



Originally Posted by mie
Whats with the pvc and plastic mesh?
Its just a structure i built to put my live rock on but i still need some more rock to cover all the pvc and mesh up.... it makes the tank look it has more rock than it really does. However that being said, i don't like it very much anymore and am thinking about taking it out and starting over soon


Active Member
Sun coral looks nice I have really been thinking about getting one. How often and what are you feeding it?


i feed mine jumbo myisis, but the mysis are to big for my turkey baster so i have to do it by hand and it could be a bit of a drag sometimes, but when i feeling lazy ill turkey baste it full of plankton and it loves it, i feed it probably every 2 or 3 days on average. It's great i got it trained to open up and eat with all of the lights on!

I would definitely recommend it, very easy to take care of for the amount of flashiness it will add to the tank!