FOWLR Lighting????


I am setting up a new 240 gallon FOWLR. What type of lighting should I use on this. Standard fluorescents, T5's, power compacts or what?
I hear the PC's are limited in bulb selection and can cause an algae problem. What does everyone think? Thanks for your help.


Active Member
my 125 agressive fowlr done very well with 3 24'' 18w light fixtures for 3 yrs and had great coraline growth


Even a FOWLR tank needs more than the SF bulbs. I have 2 48" PC fixtures on my 240. It has the daylight and the actnic bulbs, but also it has the blue night lights, which is pretty cool. After investing in these fixtures I will never go back to standard. The colors on the fish are just too vibrant.


You can just go with regualar florescent lights. You don't need pc's or t5 for FOWLR, you won't be keeping any corals or anemones correct ?


No corals but lots of rock.
cougar, what brand did you go with? I know the jebo's are cheap and I would think for a FOWLR they should work fine.


That is what I have is Jebo. I did put an extra fan in my canopy, they do feel like they get pretty hot. But lights look good and yes they are cheap.


Active Member
i do agree with the appearance of the pc lighting for a FOLWR but if you cant afford them at thiis time they can live well with N/ O lighting or at least 50 /50 actinics.this will not effect the health of your fish