FOWLR ONLY! Quarantine Tank?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I will answer this one

Some people put their QT tanks on stands that have a frame to hold the tank and not a solid bottom, now the fish can see straight to the floor. The fish then either chase for food or attempt to reach the bottom (your floor) and run or should I say swim into the glass, very unsettling and stressful for the fish


ok. I can understan that. Turtles are the same way from what Ive learned. If you pick them up without blocking their vision of the ground they become very distressed. IDK this. I have a turtle and he doesnt do this.

Anyway My QT is o ON the floor so I guess thats not a problem. Thanks for clearing that up.


ok, well after thinking about it and reading i when ahead and set up a 10 gallon QT. I had extra heater, and extra bio wheel 350(i know its a lot for a 10 gallon) and got the rest from a friend, he just gave it to me. he had the tank lid and light laying around and gave it to me! I got some sand and live rock and its all in the QT now! now its time to play the waiting game...WoooHooo!
now should i be careful when QT fish like angel and tangs? dont they really need a lot of room to swim?

noah's nemo

Originally Posted by subie41ife
ok, well after thinking about it and reading i when ahead and set up a 10 gallon QT. I had extra heater, and extra bio wheel 350(i know its a lot for a 10 gallon) and got the rest from a friend, he just gave it to me. he had the tank lid and light laying around and gave it to me! I got some sand and live rock and its all in the QT now! now its time to play the waiting game...WoooHooo!
now should i be careful when QT fish like angel and tangs? dont they really need a lot of room to swim?
Not trying to be a bubble buster,but angels and tangs require a larger system than your 46 gallon,or is your profile not right?Look at it this way,when your ready for an angel and tang sized tank,your 46 will be your QT