FOWLR to Reef tank upgrade project


Active Member
It's illegal to ship corals but fishes are OK
To LAX ( Los Angeles Airport )
I will try to update my thread here.



hi salt water fish forum, here's the new tank setup i came up with.
I was thinking of a more efficient tank that would require less maintenance so here it is. I got rid of all the chemical and mechanical filter because i think they contribute to the pH lowering of the tank like the mechanical filtration for example when the water flows through it every particles gets caught like fish food fish waste, so they will be stuck there till the time you replace the media so, instead ill replace it with sand shifting fish hermits and some other inverts to pick them up, and the activated carbon based on my experience every time i do a maintenance on my tank there is this black stuff coming from it which is ash, which i believe also contribute to the lowering of the pH of the tank. i believe the setup is more efficient and would a less maintenance tank....
A natural filtration setup.
any suggestions that could help me improve my tank?


Well-Known Member
ive heard of uv sterilizers killing lots of things u dont want dead, so dont run it all day and night imo!


hi, i was just wondering about the difference between clams and plant don't they both contribute to the de-nitrification of the tank? correct me if I'm wrong
do they have the same purpose in the tank?