FOWLR Upgrade. Need lighting help please.


I have a 50 gal corner. Its 22" tall.
I'm considering a 150W HQI Metal Halide Pendant. 10k actinic bulb.
Is the adequate for my setup? First reef purchase will most likely be a bulb anenome. Then perhaps some polyps.
I'm limited to 30" fixtures which really limits the light output available.
The only other real option is a 24" Aqualight Pro at 280 total output. 150W HQI and 130W of compact flourecents. This unit doesn't include a UV filter? Are filters a must for metal halides?
- Nate

mandarin w

I would say that 22 inches is too deep for a 150 to penatrate. Try to get a 175 or 250, Those should be able to reach the bottom of the tank, That is where the anemone will more than likely be.


Looks like there is a 250W pendant available which would work. Could you comment on the UV filters? Any other lighting needed? Since this pendant has a glass cover can I keep it about 4-6" above the water?
Sorry for all the questions ;)
- Nate


After some further reading it looks like a water temp rise will be a real concern with the metal halides. Are T5's a better answer?
How many watts of 10k - 14k of T5s would i need to get through 20" of water?


Active Member
UV mean a UV sterilizer...The only time I use one is for some reason the water gets green..(Happened Once) or a severe algae bloom...


Active Member
i think the uv filter is the type of cover that goes over the bulb loke a glass shield a six pack of ho t5s would allow u to house most anything some acros of high color might not fair as well


You might look at T5 as well. You will not need tons of light if you are not going to get corals. I had just 2 T5s 48" on my 105 that is 28" deep and my LR was doing fine. Your good algae will grow faster with more light but I only upgraded when I started getting corals. Started with a true actinic and aquablue +, this might be a little blue for a 2 bulb setup just depends on your preference. The upside to the T5s over VHOs and Metal Halides are they generate less heat, more lumens per watt, have a true actinic bulb, and last 2 years. Just my 2 cents, either way you go will work for LR.