Fox coral HELP!


I have this nice fox coral that is not doing so good, it has slowly got worse over about 3 weeks it is almost dead now, the water is fine and all the other coral in the tank are doing fine, so im just lost, am i being give a bad hand or what?? in the picture you can see that it is dead on one end, and it seems to keep on killing off as it go's.:(


as you can see its good on one end and then it dies and then a little peace is there and then dead again.


I just used this stuff (Lugol's Solution) as a coral dip. but i don't think it will help, I have used it in the past and it don't seem to do a thing.


What are your calcium and iodine levels? Put it in the shade and in a soft flow. I have had some that once they start, its hard to come back. Then again, I actually fraged one once. I broke the shell, and cut the skin, (actually it tore a little to!) and both survived! The iodine can be high if you are adding elements. .06 should be max. If you dont have iodine in the water, you might consider bringing your levels up to .06. It helps the corals ability to heal I believe. The test kits are hard to read, I have a pretty good one, I use saliferts. Good luck! Steve


thank you, i don't have a test for that yet, my pet store don't have any, but i will see what i can do