fox coral


Ive had my fox coral for about 4 days now and its not opening there anything i can do to make it come tease it with some food or something.At the lfs it was out allthe way.


Active Member
I found with the one I had that they like low to medium flow and medium light. They do not like to be on the substrate. Other than that I can't be of much help.


Active Member
I had the skeleton of the fox wedged in between to pcs. of rock for months until I sold it.
Here is some information:
The Nemenzophyllia Fox Coral is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral and is also commonly referred to as Jasmine Coral, or Ridge Coral. Its calcareous skeleton is very fragile and needs extra care when placing it between rocks in the reef aquarium. It is a peaceful coral that lacks visible tentacles during both day and night. Its polyps are white to pale green and are quite large, extending two to three times the width of its skeleton during the day.
The Nemenzophyllia Fox Coral is an easy coral to maintain, making itself a great candidate for the beginning through seasoned reef aquarist. It requires moderate lighting combined with low water movement within the aquarium. For continued good health, it will also require the addition of calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water. It will also benefit from additional food fed weekly in the form of micro-plankton or brine shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Foxface2
its a 90 gal lights are 2 400wt mh 14k some vho attinics nitrates are a lil high 15-20 my calicum 425
Your mh's are really strong, so I would suggest putting it somewhere that it is shaded somewhat. I have 150w mh's and have burned one that I had for a long time. My new one is down low in the sand, but shaded somewhat. I can say though that it took almost a week for it to open fully. Here is my fox.


Thats for your input i do got it kinda of high i will put it lower and in some shade,do you think the lights are to bright! should i shade the whole light somewhere.i have a clam a frogspawn a bird nest (frag) and monti cap. a lot of zoos some zenias a kenya trees ect.,mostly softies


Active Member
Ok, your tank is only 2 inches deeper than mine, so I would definately keep it low in the tank, and somewhat shaded. Any chance of raising the lights? Are they pendalents or fixed in a canopy? If they are suspended easy fix and raise them up.
Fox corals don't need the high lighting of some of the sps, or clams. Hope this helps, and good luck with it. Give it more time to adjust to the lighting.


They are hanging but not pendants they have 2 vho anittics with them,the hang about 10 ins off the water,should i still raise them. i bought the light used and the bulbs are a litttle old but are a huge diffenence fom my pcs.i bought the fox after the lights


Active Member
10 inches off the water level is fine. Just shade them somewhat. I used a larger size live rock above the fox coral to shade about half of the coral. Just place the coral where you want and leave it be for awhile. Moving them too often will make it stay closed. Only time will tell if your lights are too much. As far as the other coral, they should adapt to this lighting just fine.
You may need to lessen the time of the halides. I only run my halides for 6 hours. Actinics for 10. My schedule is as follows.... Actinics come on at 7am and run until 12 noon, then the halides come on until 6pm (Actinics turn off about 15 min after the halides come on) At 5:30pm the actinics come back on and stay on until 10:15 pm.
Since yours are stronger maybe adjust the time somewhat and add more time slowly.
I also have two crocea clams up high, and they do great with this schedule.


umm well my lights stay on problely 10 hours and i keep my annitc on the whole time even with the halides that good or bad my anittics come one an hour before the halides and an hour after they go off so the halides stay on about 8 hrsmaybe i should lessen the light time


Active Member
Fox is a very low light coral, they will thrive under pcs so 400 watt halides is probably burning the crap out of it, find a nice cave to put it in and let it slowly adapt, you will be able to move it out and up higher slowly. Never put anything high in the tank at first unless it came from identical lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Foxface2
umm well my lights stay on problely 10 hours and i keep my annitc on the whole time even with the halides that good or bad my anittics come one an hour before the halides and an hour after they go off so the halides stay on about 8 hrsmaybe i should lessen the light time
In my opinion you really don't need the actinics the entire time the halides are on. Not only does it boost your electric bill, but does no benefit for the coral. As well as burn out the bulbs faster. Now, the different light spectrum of the two different bulbs do different things, but continuously need. A few hours ok. I would put the actinics on a different light schedule, maybe only one to two hours with the halides.
Try this method for a month and see what happens.