Fox face afraid of dark


I would just like to know if it is normal for the foxface to change colors and stress out when the tank light goes out? In the morning when the ligt comes on it only takes a minute for the foxface to go back to normal color. I've read that they do stress a little when the light comes on, but while it is off? It has been in my tank for five days.


Active Member
he isnt afraid of the dark or stressed it is just that he is getting ready for bed think of it as he is putting on his pajamas alot of fish cahnge colors or fade when it is time for bed


yes my cardinal almost lost his spots and stripe. also fish usually lay down in the sand, sometimes sideways, to sleep. its especially funny when u go to the tank very quietly with a flashlight at 10:30 when theyre sleeping. they can be floating and twirling upside down and sideways. really funny!:D

nm reef

Active Member
My foxface changes color for a few different night it changes to avoid predators while sleeping and during the day it'll change when frightened or stressed. Very natural for rabbitfish to change coloration.:thinking: