Fox Face and what to feed him


I bought a Fox Face this weekend to help on the hair algae problem, but he or she doesn't seem interested in it. So I know it's hungry and I need to feed it. I feed my purple tang and two clowns frozen brine which they seem to love but the fox face just sniff it and swimm away. Now he could just be in adjustment shock and thats why he's not eating the brine but is their another type of food such as formula one or two that thats better for him or that he will take to better. Thanks


LionFish says.....
Well, I bought one yesterday. I have had one before, too. Foxface don't even eat hair algea, or at least most won't. The algea they eat is calerpa. I have huge growths of it and can't get rid of it so I got one to eat it. He seems to enjoy it a lot. He should always have plant matter in his diet. Seaweed selects are always good to use. It will eventually take brine and possibly even flakes. Don't worry if he is skiddish at feedings. Mine freaks out everytime my Jawfish swims by.


Active Member
try seaweed selects(soaked in ZOE), the ones at the lfs love it. also try some frozen foods like prime reef, formula 1 and 2. one thing that will almost always get fish to start feeding is live brine. most lfs sell them, see if yours does. they might graze on the algea on the lr, but i doubt it. bo


Active Member
I agree with those guys. I had one until it out grew my 45g, had to trade him back to lfs. :( Anyway they are a very interesting fish and i found mine easy to keep. Mine LOVED seaweed selects and nori. As stated above, soak all foods in zoe, it really helps the fish to stay healthy and brings ouy their color. Give him some time to adjust to yor tank, he'll should eat shortly(they tend to be quite skittish so be patient). Just put some on a clip or rubber band some to a small piece of rock. HTH
Good luck with your new cool fish!


Thanks for the replies.
I called my wife to pick up some of that seaweed select tonight on her way home.
When I went home for lunch the foxface was belly up. :(
Sad, very sad. I hate loosing a one of my critters. The money doesn't bother me at all, Its the loss of an animal in my care that gets to me. He looked good this morning what I could see with the lights off. I don't get it.
Well thanks for the help anyway.
TTFN :confused:

nm reef

Active Member
Never had a foxface nor have I seriously considered one....still I had to cut in here
Lionfish said he got one to munch some un-wanted caulpera........welllllllll.......I'd take that excess ya got and increase the amount in my 30 gal refugium.....finally got some going but more would be nice...... ;)