Foxface Behavior - Abnormal?


I just got my foxface rabbitfish this afternoon, acclimated him for a few hours, and let him swim in the tank for a few hours with the lights off. I recently turned on the lights and he's been swimming around the tank; however, I've noticed he's been swimming from corner to corner, looking at the glass, raising his spines, and sort of charging the glass. I assume he's seeing his reflection; however, I was trying to figure out whether this was normal or abnormal behavior considering he's only been in the tank for 4-5 hours. On the back of the tank we have just a flat black piece of background and everywhere else it's just the glass (including the sides).
Any ideas? :help:


I dont know about the particular fish.. But I believe he is just feeling out his surroundings.. and will be fine.. what else is in there with him?


Originally Posted by Bailey52
I dont know about the particular fish.. But I believe he is just feeling out his surroundings.. and will be fine.. what else is in there with him?
It's him, two Ocellaris clownfish, a pajama cardinalfish, and a bunch of different inverts. As the night progressed he came out more and more and he ate overnight so I guess he was just feeling out his surroundings?


Active Member
just normal behavior ,remeber this fish is an herbavore and he needs to be fed 2-3 times per day.algae based foods I use emerald entrese and veggie flakes by omega one for mine they do like meaty foods but they require more veggies to stay healthy.think of him as a venomous tang(although hes not a tang)


New Member
i have a very healthy fox face and it always does thats tyype of swimming they are very energetic and playful