foxface behavior??


Woke up this morning and saw my foxface basically face down in the corner all brown. Turned on the acrylic lights and shortly later, the main light and when I returned to feed them he was his normal bright yellow again and swimming around like normal and eating great as always.
I know that foxface can change colors when sleeping and usually see him leaning against rock or the sand at night when sleeping, but was this behavior normal and I just never noticed if before like that because he was more in the open?
And yes, all water is fine as I tested it. AND he's doing great and looking great!! I LOVE THAT FISH!!!!


I read up a lot about foxfaces yesterday cause I went to get mine. My guy at the lfs told me whent he lights turn on and off they sometimes change colors like they are a little stressed but then will be fine. So I think he should be just fine.
I just got mine last night and he's still a little skiddish. About how long did it take till yours calmed down and how are their personalities? If you don't mind me asking1


Mine is friendly and always swimming around and doesnt bother any other fish and was like that after the first day or so. It did take him a week or 2 or so to really start eating when I fed all the other fish but now he's all over the frozen brine shrimp dipped in garlic - he tries for everything. At first he always just picked on the LR and the algae on the tank.
At night he usually hides behind the LR and lower towards the ground ground--just never noticed him like I did this morning....he's probably always like that and just never really noticed because he was under or behind LR.


Yeah I wouldn't worry. This morning mine was close to the bottom and he was yellow and when I flipped the lights on I think it scares them a bit cause he changed to the brownish color also. They seem pretty awesome I hope mine will be comfortable that soon.

robert dri

I recently bought a foxface...same behavior pattern. Mine really loves the nori seaweed sheets...after a week, mine is still funky about the light being turned on, but quickly regains his color. Really cool fish....gets along great with my cinnamon clown and pearlscale angel


Awesome to know. I'm looking forward to mine being active. He's shy right now I haven't got to see him since I'm at work. I hate that! I have 2 clowns and a pink square anthias. The anthias already goes by the foxface and just kind of hangs out by him. Maybe they're already buds. He looks cool when he sticks all his spines up!

robert dri

When I first bought ours, he would hide whenever I walked up to the tank. Now he's out and about and begs for food.

robert dri

A varied diet is important. I rotate between "Formula 2" flakes, "Formula 2" frozen, frozen Mysis Shrimp. Once a week I drop a few sinking shrimp pellets for my cleaners. (crabs)
And once a week I feed Krill. In all cases....feed in small amounts. I put Kori Seaweed in every third day. Be careful with Brine shrimp. Not much different than feeding our kids candy for lunch.


New Member
In my humble opinion - the key to healthy, happy fish is a varied diet. I agree with Robert...variety is great for your tank. Small'll get to know when your guys want food and how much they'll consume.
I feed my guys 3x a day - varied food EACH time they get fed. Krill, brine, MYSIS, seaweed, Formula 1, 2, bloodworms, LifeLine (highly recommended by me by the way), pellets, freeze dried shrimp...pretty much everything available.
As for your Foxface....mine occassionally looks like he died 2 weeks ago. Total loss of color, ugliest thing you've ever seen. Natural defense mechanism...look unappetizing and you get left alone. He also fades in color.
So don't natural. AND...they shed. If you see fine, sheer filaments floating in the tank periodically...don't worry.

robert dri

Originally Posted by segsig
whats wrong with the frozen brine shrimp? Is it not healthy?
Just not much nutritional value

robert dri

Originally Posted by MasRogue
In my humble opinion - the key to healthy, happy fish is a varied diet. I agree with Robert...variety is great for your tank. Small'll get to know when your guys want food and how much they'll consume.
I feed my guys 3x a day - varied food EACH time they get fed. Krill, brine, MYSIS, seaweed, Formula 1, 2, bloodworms, LifeLine (highly recommended by me by the way), pellets, freeze dried shrimp...pretty much everything available.
As for your Foxface....mine occassionally looks like he died 2 weeks ago. Total loss of color, ugliest thing you've ever seen. Natural defense mechanism...look unappetizing and you get left alone. He also fades in color.
So don't natural. AND...they shed. If you see fine, sheer filaments floating in the tank periodically...don't worry.
Mas -
Can you please tell me a little about "Lifeline"? Also....the freeze dried shrimp.... special way of feeding this? Do you re-hydrate it before feeding?