Foxface issues


My foxface hasn't been yellow in about 2 weeks! Not sure what I'm doing wrong so thought I'd ask here. When I bought him he was a very rich and vibrant yellow and all through QT, now he's in my DT he's pale yellow or brown. Not the "I'm scared" brown splotchy, this is his calm color.
He eats really well, formula 2 pellet and flake twice a day. I feed him algae sheets, nori, Hikari Frozen Spirulina Brine Shrimp, spinache, lettuce... he won't eat any of that, just the formula 2. Weird thing is, my hippo won't eat any of that stuff either, she just eats formula 2 too. Those non-formula 2 foods are alternated every 24 hous.
Anyway, any ideas? Other fish are all doing beautifully!
Tank : 110 Gallon long w/20 gallon sump
Tank Age : 3/5/08 from transfer (1st fish added since tank upgrade)
SG 1.025 refract
2x175W MH and 1x250W MH
195W PC's w/actinics
Temp 76-78, once in a while 80
Amm 0
Trite 0
Trate ~10
Phos 0
Calc 400
Alk 10 (yes, I like it this high)
pH 8.2
Fish :
2 Ocellaris
2 Green Chromis
1 Tiny Hippo
1 Foxface
1 Dragon Goby
1 Royal Gramma
Inverts :
1 Brittle Star
Hermit Crabs
Turbo/Ast Snails
Misc Corals
3 Emerald Crabs
1 Porcelain Crab

mr. limpid

Active Member
I wouldn't worry as long as he is eating and there are no visable signs of damage fins or ich, and he is swiming fine. It may take some time for him to get use to his new home. Nice looking tank by the way, love your colors, healthy looking tank.


Mine does that too on occasion. I think he is just like the rest of us.. Hate Mondays or is pissed off at a tank mate or something. They are moody fish. They remind me of a pregnant woman....