Foxface Lo


What do you feed a foxface lo? I see it says fresh vegetables and undesirable algea. Whats the undesirable algea? And How do you feed them the vegetables? Is there a food supply you can buy or just tear off small pieces of veggies and throw them in? Will he survive on brine shrimp until I get him what he needs?


I feed mine seaweed selects or nori sheets from the grocery store(used for sushi)
it also eats flakes and pellets


Active Member
omega one makes a very good flake called veggie flakes this is an algae based flake with seafood also added this is for all species of fish.I have the bicolored foxface he eats veggieflakes ,seaweed selects(these are a treat not a main diet)you will find you foxface will eat meaty foods such as mysis shrimp ( I feed daily emerald entrese frozen cubes) he loves these.this food is algae based with brine and mysis shrimp.I feed flake in the am frozen for pm feeding .you will find he is not a picky eater so just make sure you are feeding him a balenced diet.I kept a majestic foxface with this diet for 4 yrs full sized when purchased.going on 1 yr for bicolored.I have rescently started adding thera+A food pellets this is a non medicated anti paresitic food to keep the fish healthy.I feed this to all my fish fw and sw it brings out natural coloring enhansment.